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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Young ballerina takes big leap

By Jonathan Farrell | Special to The Sun -- Sonoma Conservatory of Dance is very proud to announce that one of its own, Elinor Fucile has been accepted to the American Ballet Theatre School this fall, bringing the aspiring 12-year-old one step closer to her dream... Continue

Sonoma Council OK’s safe parking program trial

With a 3-2 vote, the Sonoma City Council tentatively approved a compromise plan to allow five City lot parking spaces to be used by homeless people for overnight parking between 9 p.m. to 7 a.m., November through May. An employee of the nearby Haven homeless... Continue

Sonoma City Council seeks public input on City Manager hire

With the job of Sonoma City Manager now open, the City Council is inviting public input on what qualities it should consider when choosing the candidate to take on City Hall’s top job. Carol Giovanatto resigned the $165,000 post and will leave in December. Applications... Continue

Village fare

The 26th Annual Glen Ellen Village Fair boasts “the world’s shortest parade,” leaving plenty of time to enjoy music on two stages, peruse the arts and crafts booths, sample the wares of food and beverage vendors, play games for kids and enter the famous quilt... Continue

Tuesday night market to open farmers booths early

For the remaining five weeks of its 2016 season, Sonoma’s Tuesday night Farmers’ Market will open its fruit and produce booths an hour earlier. And if you and your shopping bags need a lift back to your parked car, the Veggie Valet is at your... Continue

White House ceremony for Glen Ellen’s Atwood

For her work as founder of the Horse and Livestock Team Emergency Response Project, Glen Ellen rancher Julie Atwood is presented with a National Preparedness Award from Tim Manning, FEMA Deputy Administrator, Protection & National Preparedness, in a ceremony at The White House. HALTER is Atwood’s grassroots... Continue

Snark Infested Waters: Civic anguish over homeless in cars

In biblical times, garment rending and breast-beating were the ways that high priests and lowly officials vented their anguish. Even before help desks and call centers, there were other scourges, plagues and frustrations that drove them to do that. A while back, City Council did... Continue

Sonoma City Council supports homeless parking trial

In a 3-2 vote, Cook and Edwards dissenting, at its meeting Monday night the 19th of September, the Sonoma City Council decided to support the proposal by SOS and the Haven Homeless Shelter for a three-month experiment providing five overnight parking spaces for the homeless... Continue

Dogs of the Week at Pets Lineline

[caption id="attachment_72005" align="aligncenter" width="420"] Sean and Connery are available for adoption at Pets Lifeline.[/caption] Meet Sean and Connery. Sean and Connery are 5 year old tan with white male Chihuahuas. Neglected Sean and Connery came to Pets Lifeline as strays in very bad condition. Not only... Continue