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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Free tax help at Vintage House

The AARP sponsored Tax Assistance Program has begun at Vintage House and continues each Monday and Wednesday morning from 9 a.m. to noon. The program is designed to help low and middle income taxpayers prepare and file their federal and state income tax returns. This... Continue

1st St. E. hotel/housing proposal gets a second look

Sonoma's Planning Commission gave the First Street East project, combining housing, hotel, cafe and swim club, a gentle nod of "approval" last night at the second study session held to review the proposal. The developer, Caymus Capital, revised their original proposal which the commission had... Continue

Scam alert: Fake water bill call

Beware the latest twist on the phone con job. Sonoma City staff  have received two reports of water customers who received a call stating that the routing number for their on-line water bill payment was wrong and that their water was about to be shut... Continue

Kiwanis in the kitchen

Think your kitchen gets dirty after cooking a big dinner? Try 300 dinners a night, five times a week – nearly 16,000 meals a week, that’s what volunteers of the Meals on Wheels program produce in the Trinity Episcopal Church’s kitchen on East Spain Street.... Continue

Community Center to step away from July 4th parade

The Sonoma Community Center, which has produced the town’s Fourth of July Parade since 1963, said that because of liability and funding concerns, including the loss of an annual grant from the City, it will not produce the event beyond this year. “Quite simply, the... Continue

Future funding for young farmers

Dawson McCahon, Savannah Schell, Sofia Willliams, and Andrea Robledo Cervantes are finalists for the second annual HWY 12 Properties Scholarship program for college-bound Sonoma Valley High School FFA (Future Farmers of America) members. The finalists, who plan to pursue a degree in agriculture at a... Continue

Editorial: Street trees as urban gardens

Ample rain and warm temperatures have brought an early spring to our area. The trees are beginning to get green as this year's leaves emerge from hiding and we can already see evidence of wildflowers popping up along our urban sidewalks and meadows. If last... Continue

Sonoma Valley tap water ‘excellent quality’

The Sonoma Valley water supply has never been treated with chloramines, the lead-leaching agent causing widespread health problems in Flint, Michigan, said Public Works Director Dan Takasugi. “Neither the City nor the Sonoma County Water Agency use chloramine to treat City water,” Takasugi said. “Residents... Continue

Will Sonoma be part of the New Potconomy?

Though advocating for a robust local economy to meet rising costs, the City of Sonoma continues to prohibit medical marijuana dispensaries, which in other cities are producing very large sales tax revenue. There is no medical marijuana dispensary in the City of Sonoma, but there's... Continue

A touch of Millennial Fever

Recently, after a particularly busy day at my hospital where it seemed as though nearly every patient had a rather dreadful diagnosis, I had a baffling interaction with a client towards the end of the afternoon. A lovely young 20-something was in the exam room... Continue