The Sonoma County Sheriff's Office hosts Coffee with a Cop, a chance to meet local deputies and talk about community issues, on Wednesday, January 6. The informal gathering will begin at 9 a.m. at Barking Dog Roasters, 18133 Sonoma Highway, in the Springs. Continue
Local Sonoma Valley News:
(By Dr. Vallard Forsythe) With the closing of 2014 and the new beginnings of 2015 come the hopes and dreams of good health and prosperity in the New Year. I chatted with several friends and colleagues about our clients and our pets, and after many... Continue
Alcohol deaths in America are at a new high; over 30,000 people died from liver disease or alcohol poisoning in 2014. When you add alcohol-related auto accidents, firearm deaths, and other violence, the toll rises to over 90,000 people. We live in wine country and enjoy the... Continue
Total donations to Sonoma Valley youth art programs from the Sonoma Plein Air Foundation passed the million-dollar mark with this year’s disbursement of $130,000. Fifteen schools and four nonprofits received donations ranging from $1,050 to $22,000. The foundation was founded in 2002 by local artist... Continue
The greatest story Jack London ever wrote, it's been said, is the story he lived. “Jack London State Historic Park -- Discover Your Call of the Wild” will honor the 100th anniversary of his London's death with a yearlong calendar of special events. The renowned writer,... Continue
A Christmas vacation in Phoenix nearly went up in smoke Friday when the traditional tenderloin dinner nearly overcooked on an outdoor grill. The filet tragedy was narrowly averted when Matt "Closer" Clark identified a nagging low-heat problem as in fact a defective meat thermometer. Clark, who took the grill... Continue
Georgia Kelly, Executive Director of Sonoma's Praxis Peace Institute, and six other local residents, recently returned from a trip to Cuba. Here are her impressions and thoughts. If you have never been to Cuba, you cannot really imagine it. Any American steeped in 55 years... Continue
The California Department of Public Health is advising Californians to wash their hands frequently, due to a marked increase in norovirus outbreaks, or what is generally referred to as Winter vomiting disease. On their website the CDPH says, "Norovirus is a highly contagious virus that... Continue
Following Council Member David Cook's suggestion to "use it or lose it", Sonoma's City Council last night voted to demolish the dilapidated cottage at the rear of the Maysonnave property on 1st Street East. The cost of demolition is estimated by the City Planning Department to... Continue
[caption id="attachment_61478" align="alignright" width="218"] Get out and see the lights - and grab a drink. (Photo: Sonoma Valley Visitors Bureau)[/caption] Christmas is this week! Some folks celebrate, some folks don't...or maybe you just want to escape that annoying relative (you know the one) for a... Continue