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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Sonoma resident owned famous cat painting

[caption id="attachment_59518" align="aligncenter" width="420"] My Wife's Lovers by Carl Kahler, 1891[/caption] You may have seen it come across your Facebook feed. November 3rd, "My Wife's Lovers," a 6 ft. x 8.5 ft. sized painting of 40+ cats by Carl Kahler, will be auctioned off at... Continue

Death notices

Raul Conrriquez Alcala, 72, of Sonoma, passed away October 7, 2015. Kathleen A. Crandall, 72, of Sonoma, passed away October 3, 2015. Gail Marie Douchette, 66, of Sonoma, passed away October 4, 2015. Erik Holbek, 93, of Glen Ellen, passed away October 30, 2015. Lillian... Continue

Happy Deviled Eggs Day

[caption id="attachment_59470" align="aligncenter" width="420"] Happy National Deviled Egg Day! (Photo: Debbie R, CC BY NC ND 2.0)[/caption] Happy National Deviled Egg Day!! A popular dish for picnics and special occasions since the 18th century, the term "deviling" describes when a cook uses mustard or hot... Continue

Razor blade found in Sonoma Halloween candy

Trick is the word on the street on the day after Halloween in Sonoma and it was found in a dangerous treat. The Sonoma Police Department has issued a statement that a razor-blade was found in a candy bar among a child's candy. The child... Continue

New wetlands along Hwy 37 represent ‘Sea Change’

The restoration of 1,000 acres of hay fields back to tidal wetlands began when an excavator scooped through a levee and water from San Pablo Bay poured into Sears Point Ranch. The basin, which took three years to prepare, filled in less than 24 hours.... Continue

Editorial: Well, Well, Well

Understanding water in Sonoma Valley is simple: It’s complicated. The Valley has two water sources: (1) The Russian River, via the Sonoma Aqueduct managed by the Sonoma County Water Agency.  It provides water to metered customers in the Valley of the Moon Water District (VOMWD)... Continue

Trick or treat or an hour of sleep

Things to do late Halloween night: hide the rest of the candy; tuck the little creatures into bed; re-wrap Mummy; and set the clock back one hour. Daylight Saving Time ends at 2 a.m. Sunday, November 1, which means it’s time to fall back. You’ll get... Continue

City seeks top student artists

[caption id="attachment_45229" align="aligncenter" width="420"] (Photo Credit: Cory Maylett, CC BY SA 3.0)[/caption] The City of Sonoma Cultural and Fine Arts Commission’s 2016 Student Creative Arts Award Program is now accepting entries. It is open to Sonoma Valley residents between the age of 16 and 21... Continue

Basketball update from B&G Clubs

The 2015 Boys & Girls Clubs of Sonoma Valley Basketball signups have been extended for two weeks: the season now starts November 16, and ends January 31. The cost is $100, $140 for non-members. Referees for the season are needed. These are paid positions. Coaches are... Continue

Last call for free irrigation water

The residential recycled water fill station that provided free recycled water for local residents to water their lawns and gardens for the past two months will close at the end of October. The recycled water fill station was operated by the Sonoma Valley County Sanitation... Continue