Everything you need to know for this upcoming weekend festival in one spot! Just click the image below for closer look! Continue
Local Sonoma Valley News:
Once upon a time in America we worked where we lived, if not on farms, then within local villages and towns. That lifestyle ended with the automobile and industrialization, the creation of suburbs and construction of a vast network of freeways and public transportation. Even... Continue
The County took the first step in converting an empty Broadway lot into 40 units of affordable housing this week by issuing a formal Request for Proposals to prospective developers. The 1.93 parcel at the corner of Clay Street was purchased by the City in... Continue
Barbara Cullen, Kiwanis President, at right, and Randy Derwingson, Kiwanis Committee Chair, show off the new Automated External Defibrillator (AED) the organization donated to the Boys & Girls Clubs of Sonoma Valley. “The life-saving device has been on our wish list for some time now,... Continue
The City of Sonoma will start a 23-street pavement restoration project on Wednesday (9/23), to include brief closures during the three-day Slurry Seal part of construction. During the Slurry Seal treatment, specific streets will need to be closed for approximately four to six hours. During the street closure, private... Continue
Assemblymember Marc Levine, who represents the City of Sonoma in the California Legislature, will speak at the Sonoma Valley Democrats’ General Meeting on Monday, September 28. All are welcome and the event is free. Levine will speak briefly, and take questions. The 6:30 p.m. meeting... Continue
An "incredibly disappointed" Senator Mike McGuire and Assemblymember Bill Dodd issued a strong response to the draft Sonoma Developmental Center (SDC) closure plan released late last week. “The Department of Developmental Services report is inadequate and lacks the specific details that we as a community expected,... Continue
Sonoma Valley Hospital and Vintage House present a series of three lectures themed “Active Aging: Taking Charge Of Your Health” on October 1, 15 and 22. The free sessions will examine how to get the most out of your senior years by becoming more proactive... Continue
As I look out upon your young faces, proud at having come this far and eager to get on to the challenges you will face, I’m loath to throw a bummer onto the highway of your progress, but afraid I must. I’ve come here to remind... Continue
by Gina Cuclis The editorial in the August 28 Sonoma Valley Sun, “The City of Boyes Hot Springs?,” touched on what has become a topic of discussion at Springs Community Alliance meetings and among residents concerned about how decisions impacting our community are made. The... Continue