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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Open house at new teen space

Where do teen members of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Sonoma Valley go when they want their own space? Starting next week, it’s The Club – a new, teens-only facility in Maxwell Village Shopping Center. The space, next to Starbucks, will hold an open... Continue

Public workshop: improving Larson Park

The public invited to help plan new features for Larson Park in an afternoon workshop on Sunday,  September 13. The workshop is the first step in the process toward modernizing the park at 329 DeCene Ave. and developing new amenities, facilities and programs based on the community’s... Continue

Learn how to download eBooks

The Sonoma Valley Library will host two workshops on how to download eBooks and Audiobooks: Wednesday, September 16, at 6 p.m., and Saturday, October 3 at 10 a.m. The step-by-step walk though will show you how to set up accounts and apps necessary to download... Continue

The enigmatic Hillary Clinton

Though the Democratic convention is over a year away, the Democratic Party struggles with unpredictability as to who will be their candidate in the 2016 Presidential election. Right now only Sec’y of State Hillary Clinton and Vermont Senate Bernie Sanders are showing any support by... Continue

Instant art festival

Third-graders at Flowery School get a lesson in plein air painting techniques, a two-hour workshop with instructors from ARTescape. "It's super cute and gratifying," said Mandy Bolling, secretary of the all-volunteer Sonoma Plein Air Foundation, which sponsored the event. "It reminds us why we do all this... Continue

$420k item paces record Wine Auction take

Look at those paddles in the air for #FundtheFuture! Thank you everyone! #SonomaWineCountryWeekend #auction #Sonoma #SonomaCounty #TheProceedsMatter #Community #literacy #education #fundraising A photo posted by @sonomawinecountryweekend on Sep 6, 2015 at 4:33pm PDT The 2015 Sonoma Harvest Wine Auction, the crowning event of Sonoma Wine... Continue

Wednesday is a Spare the Air day

Wednesday is another is a Spare the Air Day. The declaration is due heavy levels of smog, caused by ground-level ozone, which is fairly common during super hot days. This factor will lead to poor air quality tomorrow (and possibly future days this week). Folks... Continue

Leaf Blower Ban on Council Agenda

The City Council Chambers will be packed this Wednesday evening when the subject of banning leaf blowers returns to the agenda. Previously supported by a "straw vote" by Council Members Hundley, Gallian and Agrimonti, proponents are hoping the final vote remains the same. Lobbying by... Continue

2.9 earthquake shakes Sonoma and Napa

Did you feel it this morning at 7:35AM? A 2.9 earthquake took place in on the Sonoma-Napa border today, west of Mount Veeder Road. It was very short, last only 2 seconds or less, according to a Sonoma Valley resident who was in Napa at... Continue