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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Meeting sees bright future for Springs facade project

The outlook for the Springs is bright – as in vivid yellow, orange, pink and purple – according to most of the 200-plus who turned out Monday to discuss the design scheme that is beginning to define the Highway 12 commercial strip. The Springs Community... Continue

Dodd to visit Springs as State Senate candidate

[caption id="attachment_54853" align="aligncenter" width="243"] Bill Dodd at the 2015 Sonoma 4th of July Parade[/caption] State Assemblyman Bill Dodd, elected in November to represent the Springs as part of the 4th District, comes to town Friday, July 31, as a candidate for the State Senate. Dodd... Continue

Follow the ‘Open Road’

Doug McConnell, far right, interviews Mike Benziger for a segment of his “Open Road” television show at Jack London State Historic Park. McConnell, a longtime explorer of the region ("Bay Area Backroads”) and beyond, said the park is one of his favorite landmarks and landscapes... Continue

Relay for Life: What it means

Relay for Life is the American Cancer Society's nationwide signature event, and the Sonoma outing -- this year on August 1 -- is among the top 20 in California. “This is more than a fundraiser, it allows us to honor cancer survivors and to remember... Continue

Spare the Air Days: Tuesday & Wednesday

Today and Wednesday are both Spare the Air Days. The declaration is due to two primary reasons - most notably the Wragg Fire burning near Lake Berryessa and the heavy levels of smog, caused by ground-level ozone, which is fairly common during super hot  days.... Continue

Vehicle recall due to hacks

[caption id="attachment_55273" align="aligncenter" width="420"] 2015 Jeep Cherokee's are one of many cars being recalled due to computer-based security concerns[/caption] Did you see the news recently about hackers breaking into the internet-reliant car radio in a Jeep Cherokee, while it was being driven, and taking control... Continue

Colorful debate expected Monday at Springs meeting

The Springs Community Alliance (SCA)has hastily called a public meeting for Monday, July 27 to discuss the facade project that has ignited a growing controversy. The bright colors and designs on several businesses, all by artist Rico Martin, have begun to suggest a signature look... Continue

‘Republic’ nearly free of construction hassles

Jeannette Tomany and Kira Hewitt of Republic of Thrift see the light at the end of the PG&E tunnel, as crews in the Springs finish up part of the Hwy 12 improvement project that has severely limited store hours since mid-June. The weekday work on... Continue

How leaf blowers can harm small animals

In support of local efforts to ban leaf blowers and improve the quality of life in Sonoma and drastically reduce unnecessary harmful particulate matter in the air we breathe, I wanted to contribute a few statements and my opinion from the vantage point of a... Continue