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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Heads up for Highway 12 detour on June 18

On Thursday, June 18, southbound traffic on Highway 12 will be detoured onto Madrone Road, Arnold Drive, and Verano Avenue from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. There will be access to homes and businesses throughout the detour, which will allow PG&E to complete an essential... Continue

Free workshop: smart water use

The Sonoma Ecology Center brings conservation experts together on Saturday, June 13, for the free workshop “Managing Water When Water is Scarce,” 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Sonoma Garden Park. Experts in water management will show how to plant for conservation, and ways to... Continue

At The Nationals: Diary of a Sonoma ice skater

Sonoma veternarian Vallard Forsythe shares the experience of competing in last month’s U.S. Figure Skating Adult Championships. I was really nervous this year when I took the ice for my free skating program at US Adult Nationals in Salt Lake City in April.  After all,... Continue

A graduate’s message to her Class of 2015

Jade Garcia, one of Creekside High School’s two Students of the Year, delivered this speech to her graduating class: “High School. It comes to us all eventually. And all of us experience it differently. I came to Creekside absolutely terrified. (Although I was relieved to... Continue

Death notices

Evelyn Andrews, 82, of Sonoma, passed away April 4, 2015. Margaret McGovern Baeyen, 70, of Sonoma, passed away April 21, 2015. Louis A. Bruni, 96, of Sonoma, passed away April 22, 2015. Richard Scott Cambron, 65, of Sonoma, passed away April 20, 2015. Pablo Carrillo,... Continue

Dodd’s Pay Equity Bill passes Assembly

A gender pay equity bill authored by Assemblymember Bill Dodd (D-Sonoma Valley) was passed by the state Assembly on Wednesday with bipartisan support. The legislation would require companies that contract with the state to have policies in place to help ensure gender pay equity, and... Continue

A geezer’s lament

When I first landed in Sonoma I met a guy named Brady Brady, who was a friend of Stanley Mouse, who knew Earl LeClaire the chef from the Sonoma Hotel, who wrote a poem about his dog, Spike, and recited it while a guy called... Continue

SV Hospital wins Green award

[caption id="attachment_52549" align="aligncenter" width="420"] Mather acknowledged the contributions of the Hospital’s Green Team in leading staff conservation efforts, including (from left): Karen Clark, J.R. Kohler, Lucia Padilla, Bob Harrison, Kimberly Drummond, Laura Gallmeyer, and Kathy Matthews. Not shown are Rosemary Pryzmant and Ken Jensen.[/caption] Sonoma Valley... Continue

Extending nature’s corridor

On Saturday, June 6, historical ecologist Arthur Dawson leads special hike across a beautiful new section of Sonoma Valley Regional Park. Purchased by the Sonoma Land Trust and transferred to Regional Parks late last year, the 29-acre addition to the north side of the park... Continue