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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Measure A hits wall

Tuesday's single-issue election resulted in a resounding defeat of Measure A, the proposed quarter-cent sales tax that county leader said would be used for road repair and maintenance. The results: 62.7% (46,758 voters) against; 37.3% (27,853) in favor. The proposed tax had a five-year term and... Continue

Young swimmers’ Olympic moment

Olympic swimmer Chloe Sutton, later joined by fellow Olympian Larsen Jensen, warms up the crowd at Sonoma Aquatic Club. The two gave a swim clinic for swimmers ages 11 and under, including a talk about their experiences of growing up swimming and their path to becoming Olympians. The clinic, part... Continue

Think pink: Five drought tolerant plants

When I was very young I only wanted to wear pink. I was thrilled when I got pink colored candy and yearned for pink toys, a pink school bag, and pink doll clothes. I requested that my parents paint the room I shared with my... Continue

Get to know NASCAR in Sonoma

[caption id="attachment_52448" align="aligncenter" width="420"] Yes, we do drink wine in NASCAR. Jeff Gordon celebrates his 2006 Sonoma win. (Photo: Sonoma Raceway)[/caption] Locals aren't known for being the biggest race fans: the seem to complain more about the traffic than express any interest in getting to... Continue

23rd Historic Car Festival raises over $20,000 for Sonoma youth

[caption id="attachment_52397" align="aligncenter" width="330"] Hundreds flocked to check out historic cars at the Sonoma Plaza (Sarah Stierch, CC BY 4.0)[/caption] Hundreds flocked to the Sonoma Plaza on Saturday to celebrate beautiful historic cars, local food, and local wine as a fundraiser for Sonoma Speedway Children's... Continue

Impact100 Sonoma awards $100,000 grant to On The Move

At its 6th annual meeting Saturday, Impact100 Sonoma awarded its yearly $100,000 grant to On The Move to fund its program Sonoma Valley Parent University. As the winner was announced, cheers and applause filled the Sonoma Veterans Memorial Building where Impact100 Sonoma members and guests gathered to hear... Continue

Rental Crisis in real life terms

By Anna Pier It’s not news that there is a rental crisis in the Sonoma Valley. Since 2013 the supply of homes and apartments for rent has been decreasing, the demand growing, and as one longtime real estate agent told me in her office on the... Continue