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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Three strikes: Sonoma drunk driver gets 15 years

The Sonoma man who crashed into an occupied car while trying to evade police in a high-speed chase plead no contest today to the January 10 spree, a deal that will put him in state prison for 15 years. Prosecutors said Jason Patrick Smith, 44,... Continue

Accents of blue

Did you know that most people consider blue to be their favorite color? And did you also know that the color blue is used more in corporate identity than any other color? In garden design we can think about the color blue in terms of... Continue

Bogged down in another civil war

Once again we hear the clamor for an expansion of US involvement in the Middle East, not that we haven’t been pounding the sands in Afghanistan and Iraq with continuous bombing for six months now. Once again the White House and the Congress choose to... Continue

Organic food for thought

Dear Dr. Forsythe:  I’m writing because I was going through my vet receipts the other day, and I counted at least 20 prescriptions for Cephalexin over the last two years.  My little Maltipoo, “Muffin,” suffers from bad allergies, but I realize that she has gotten... Continue

Eilertsen’s new role at Sonoma Valley Museum

Kate Eilertsen has resigned as executive director to accept her ‘dream job’ at the Sonoma Valley Museum of Art– the newly created position of Artistic Director. In her new role, Eilertsen will focus on developing exhibitions and educational programs “that engage the community in the... Continue

Where in Sonoma?

Can you identify where this photo (thank you, John Stierch) was taken? Look for the answer in this week's Sonoma Valley Sun, on the streets this Thursday. Got a good pic? Send yours to Continue

New trail open at Jack London

Sonoma Mayor David Cook and First District Supervisor Susan Gorin cut the ceremonial ribbon opening the East Slope Sonoma Mountain Ridge Trail at Jack London State Park. The Glen Ellen park serves as the “gateway” to the new 1.2-mile East Slope, which also adds to... Continue

Sonoma Valley death notices

Ana Cecilia Ayerdis, 60, of Eldridge, passed away February 20, 2015. Carole Sue Chassereau, 74, of Sonoma, passed away February 7, 2015. Ingeborg Maria Cullen, 79, of Sonoma, passed away February 24, 2015. Barbara Wilson DeVaughn, 87, of Sonoma, passed away February 20, 2015. Agnes... Continue