Sonoma Valley Fund, in conjunction with its parent, Community Foundation Sonoma County, has made a $100K grant to the Sonoma Valley Community Health Center. The funds will be used, through the creation of the Integrated Behavioral and Mental Health program, to address the pressing need... Continue
Local Sonoma Valley News:
(Bob Edwards/Sun Cynic) I am not a scientist, but I say: Thank Dog, the drought is over. Still, it should come as no surprise that those of us who see with our own eyes that all that water in the wine cellar means the drought... Continue
Historic preservation and the roads tax -- Gina Cuclis checks in. Art by Michael Acker. Continue
The Sonoma Valley Health and Recreation Association (SVHRA) has closed escrow on the site proposed for a community pool, the Verano Avenue parcel known as the Paul’s Resort property. SVHRA had been seeking a site for an aquatic facility, known as Sonoma Splash, for nearly... Continue
2014 elections: A response from the right Continue
Sonoma Valley Museum of Art announced today that longtime supporters, the McQuown family, finalized a significant matching gift of $200,000 to increase attendance, improve marketing of the Museum and to look into the benefits of a major museum retail and online store. The gift will... Continue
(Walt Williams | Special to The Sun) You lead with the story about the cashier at CVS who couldn’t count change and said, as an excuse, “Sorry, Sonoma High math department.” You channeled local oracle Paul Touhy and told the cashier to put on her... Continue
Raising funds to support Ebola relief efforts in West Africa, Sonoma’s own Girl Scout Troop #10240 will have a table at the Christmas Market and Craft Fair at Faith Lutheran Church on December 6. Members will be selling candles in handmade candleholders and other items... Continue
Santa Claus is coming to town -- Friday, December 5 at 5:30 p.m., to be exact. Motoring up Broadway on a vintage fire truck decked with Christmas lights (it’s the reindeer’s night off), Saint Nick will make his traditional visit to Sonoma City Hall to... Continue
Kevin Jaggie, Roger Nelson and Marcia Levy have joined the Sonoma Valley Hospital Foundation board of directors. Marcia Levy brings to the board experience in marketing, strategic planning and organizational development. She was most recently a venture partner of Venture TDF and Vertex Management, venture... Continue