(Frank Samson) The last time I checked, we are all going to die. Hopefully, later rather than sooner, but now seems a good time to talk about Death Cafes. Wait. Before you click away in horror, understand that Death Cafes are more about living life... Continue
Local Sonoma Valley News:
(Reader opinion by Fred Allenbach) As a citizen concerned with local and regional water issues, I have attended Sonoma County Water Agency sponsored Sonoma Valley Groundwater Management Program meetings for the past year and currently sit on the city’s Community Services and Environmental Commission. I... Continue
Where was this photo taken? Find out in this Thursday's Sonoma Valley Sun. Got a got shot of your own? Send it to news@sonomasun.com. Continue
A workshop that tells teen “What Employers Want” will be hosted by Sonoma Valley Teen Services on Monday afternoon, December 1. Teen Services has teamed up with the Economic Vitality Partnership of the City of Sonoma and the Sonoma Valley Chamber to add this special... Continue
Eleven different Faith Community leaders will participate in an Interfaith Service on Thanksgiving morning at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church. The 10 a.m. service is open to all who would like to give thanks communally in song, music and symbol. The speaker will be Rabbi Steve... Continue
Unlike the cynic, the skeptic doesn't believe all human endeavor is self-serving -- but neither does the skeptic take everything on faith. The latest web-only column by Larry Barnett. Continue
It takes not only an amazing amount of passion to open a restaurant, but an immeasurable quantity of patience, dedication, and determination. Well, all that and money. It was obvious from the minute I walked into OSO that here, there were mass quantities of all... Continue
While humans prepare for cold weather, deer have something else in mind when temperatures drop. Cold weather signifies mating season for deer, and they become more active, aggressive and a greater threat to humans, pets and landscapes. Here are six facts you should know: •... Continue
Siblings Kate and Mike Benziger haven taken the helm at Envolve Winery, embracing a “family-centric approach” to sustainability and community involvement. The focus was inspired by the active involvement of Chris Benziger, Mike and Kate’s brother, with Becoming Independent – a community based service organization... Continue
I was one of the attendees at the Public Hearing about the proposed water rate increase as noticed by the City of Sonoma. It was not a positive experience. I felt that some City Council members were more interested in scolding those who attended this... Continue