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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Shelter program ready for cold winter nights

Sonoma Severe Weather Shelter, begun last year in response to the extremely cold weather that hit Sonoma Valley in December, has again committed to providing a safe, warm, dry shelter for the homeless during the winter months. Shelter wull be made available when the temperature... Continue

A birthday dream come true

When Gerry (Geraldine) Eagen was asked what she wanted for her 90th birthday, the answer surprised the Council on Aging’s Randy Sue Collins. “I’ve always wanted to fly a small plane” came the reply. She said she's been dreaming about it for years, Collins said.... Continue

Strikers top regional tournament

Sonoma Soccer Club's U9 Boys competitive soccer team, The Strikers, took First Place in the San Ramon Classic Tournament on October 26. Pictured from left to right: Top row- Assistant Coach Adolfo Contreras, Dominic Contreras, Jose Zavala, Diego Contreras, Miguel Jimenez, Oswaldo Sanchez, Head Coach... Continue

How much water does it save?

A few simple habits can really add up. Check out these tips for cutting down water use outdoors, and how much water they save: • Water yard before 6 a.m. or after 8 p.m. to reduce evaporation: 20 Gallons • Reduce overspray from sprinklers onto... Continue

Getting pink for charity

During the month of October, Envolve Winery supported National Breast Cancer Awareness by donating $5 of every purchased bottle of Envolve Rosé and Brut Rosé Sparking Wine to the Sonoma Valley Hospital Foundation (SVHF). It also donates 50% of each ticket sold to 3rd Annual... Continue

Armed purse snatcher found guilty

The man who confronted a Lucky supermarket employee at gunpoint and demanded her purse in a deserted parking lot at 4 a.m. has been found guilty of robbery. Mark Antonio Padilla, 21, of Turlock, faces a maximum of five years in state prison for the... Continue

Flu shot clinic at Vintage House

The Sonoma Valley Community Health Center will host flu shot clinics on two upcoming Saturday mornings at Vintage House: November 8 and December 6, both from 9 a.m. to noon. Flu shots will be offered for a requested $20 donation, and no one will be... Continue

Yes/No: Water rate increase for Sonoma

Yes: Increase needed to maintain safe, reliable service Water rates need to be sufficient to cover the total cost of service while at the same time, maintaining an adequate operating reserve. The water utility is self-funded, meaning that it requires that revenues equal expenditures. The... Continue