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Local Sonoma Valley News:

The door stays pink

The Sonoma City Council turned down an appeal Monday that the door and accent colors of Grandma Linda’s Ice Cream shop – a shade of dark pink, if not bubblegum – violates the historic character and dignity of its Plaza neighborhood. A very large serving... Continue

Rough and honest: The state as a work of art

(John Kelly | Special to The Sun) As I walked through Sonoma’s Black Bear restaurant recently, I noticed a photograph of the dedication of the Bear Flag Monument in the Sonoma Plaza. It's dated June 14, 1914. More. Continue

Sonoma's French evolution

Readying for a trip to France in July are Sonoma Valley High School French students Maddy Libby, Renée O'Donnell, Travis Claeys, French teacher Devin Daly, Hallie Stava, Oscar O'Donnell, Micaela Luque, Natalie Baker, Anna Stava, Jay Swisher and Fabian Metelmann. The second annual trip is... Continue

Drag strip opens to amateur racers

The Wednesday Night Drags is again open to all comers – teenagers and grandmothers, muscle cars and mini-vans -- as the 26th season roars to life March 5 at Sonoma Raceway. Anyone with a driver’s license and a car that passes a simple technical inspection... Continue

Nostalgia spoken here

The issue of wine tasting rooms in downtown Sonoma – no limit, but an added level of permitting required – seems to be settled. Except maybe what happens if a Kendall-Jackson or Gallo, the wine world’s equivalent of a formula store, come calling… With no... Continue

Keep pets on regular med schedule

Dear Dr. Forsythe:  I was wondering if it is that important to give heartworm prevention to my dog every single month.  I try to remember to look at the calendar, but things can get pretty busy around our house, and sometimes we are into the... Continue

Baseball tryouts postponed

The Pacific Association of Professional Baseball Clubs’ open tryout in Sonoma — originally scheduled for March 1 — has been postponed to Saturday, March 15, due to a heavy forecast of rain expected in the Bay Area. The March 15 tryout begins at 8 a.m.... Continue

Tasting rooms will get closer look

New winery tasting rooms proposed for downtown Sonoma will be subject to acquiring a use permit, the City Council advised Monday, adding a level of approval and public input currently lacking from the process. The Council and Planning Commission met in a rare public study... Continue

Spirit of Seeger

Sam Page, Allegra Broughton and Dave Aguilar share the stage during a ‘Wake for Pete Seeger" jam Sunday at Murphy’s Irish Pub. “We're singing Pete out in style, sailing where he may,” said musician Steve Kahn, who organized the event as a fundraiser for Gustavo... Continue

Three very drought tolerant shrubs

(By Karen Boness) We have had over nine inches of rain since I wrote about drought tolerant trees. With all that rain falling in such a short time frame it is easy to forget that we are still way below our yearly average rainfall. It... Continue