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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Glen Ellen bank robbery

The West America Bank in Glen Ellen was robbed at gunpoint on Friday by a white male who stuffed the money into a blue backpack and fled northbound on Arnold Drive. Sonoma County Sheriff’s Deputies responding to the 5:42 p.m. call initiated a search of... Continue

Rotary Club supports 'Broadway' series

The Rotary Club of Sonoma Valley presents a check for $15,000 to founding members of the Transcendence Theatre Company, from left, Brad Surosky, Amy Miller and Stephan Stubbins. The company produces the “Broadway Under the Stars in Jack London State Park” concert series in the... Continue

Spirit of the Valley: Virginia and Isiah

The Sun received many worthy nominations for our inaugural Sprit of the Valley Award recognizing the volunteer of the year. Here’s one from B Cullen, executive director of WillMar Center, about a unique volunteer team making a real difference. "Since 2008, Virginia Bertelsen, grief program... Continue

Advances in doggie dentistry

Dear Dr. Forsythe: I was interested in getting my dog’s teeth cleaned since I know he has really bad breath.  I had them cleaned a couple years ago when I lived in Gilroy, but I don’t remember the vet ever mentioning if “Gus” had any... Continue

Rethink pink?

The latest design controversy in downtown Sonoma isn’t about hotels or tasting rooms, but rather the shade of one Plaza shop door. With the change from a Ben & Jerry’s franchise to their own Grandma Linda’s Ice Cream shop on First Street West, owners Troy... Continue

Public meeting on tasting room issue

Are wine tasting rooms overrunning Sonoma Plaza, or is it good business to fill up empty storefronts with tourist-driven businesses? The City of Sonoma City Council and Planning Commission will examine the issue, and hear public comments, during a joint study session on Monday February... Continue

Kids get up close with visiting artists

Professional local musicians will share their talents and experiences with Boys & Girls Clubs members in the new Visiting Artist Series. Sean Carscadden kicked off the series last week, to the delight of more than 100 kids. "They are really focused on him," said theClubs’... Continue

A Sister City in turmoil

(By Tarney Baldinger | Special to The Sun). What is going on right now in Ukraine is of great import, even to many of us here in the Somoma Valley concerned with our beautiful Sister City of Kaniv. Today, Kaniv has no mayor -- he... Continue

Volunteers needed for State Historic Parks

Would you like to work behind the scenes in one of California’s Historic State Parks? Sonoma and Petaluma State Historic Parks are seeking volunteers for various positions inside and outside park buildings. Volunteers are needed to help with museum housekeeping at the Toscano Hotel and... Continue