[caption id="attachment_26136" align="alignnone" width="420" caption=" The Lovin’ Oven teen bakers show off their $500 donation, which will be used to purchase baking supplies. Pictured are, left to right: (front) Maria Cazares, Rebecca Hermosillo, Dora Barragan (back) Cathy Gorham, Yazel Cazares and Charity Reyes."][/caption] At last... Continue
What’s Happening
Local Sonoma Valley News:
It began as a lark, a funny conversation over a meal at a pizza joint in La Jolla while visiting a sister at UC San Diego last summer. This year it morphed into a fledgling start-up enterprise, complete with a presentation to the planning commission,... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: I read your column in the paper and I haven’t ever seen you write about this problem. I had a really special cat I will call “Gypsy.” She disappeared over two years ago from my house which I shared with my mom... Continue
Jeff Gilbert | Special to The Sun Back in the big band era, a hot venue for live music was the Boyes Hot Springs Mineral Baths dance pavilion. Known as “The Plunge,” it was a popular spot during the summer months where local orchestras and up-and-coming... Continue
[caption id="attachment_26118" align="alignnone" width="420" caption="Haylie Padgett helped arrange balloons and flags along the track at last year’s event. "][/caption] They walk in memory of lost mothers and daughters, fathers and sons. They walk to honor those who have survived. Some walk together, with pride and... Continue
[caption id="attachment_26115" align="alignnone" width="420" caption="Michael Bartlett of Stone Edge Farm and Vineyard shows off his new ClearEdge fuel cell which is used to power the organic farm and winery operation on Carriger Road."][/caption] The bucolic setting that is Stone Edge Farm just got a little... Continue
[caption id="attachment_26107" align="alignnone" width="420" caption="The museum’s 2011 Wet Paint Committee is comprised of, from left, Rick Tackett, Jackie Lee, Kate Eilertsen, Barbara Pascoe, Lance Walker, Frank Cavez, Michael Muscardini, Jane Milotich. Not pictured: Jeff Zimmerman, Gerry Snedaker, Christine Curry and Jim Lamb."][/caption] Wet Paint, the... Continue
Kelly Mather | Special to The Sun It’s hard to believe I’ve been with the Sonoma Valley Hospital community for one year. I’d like to review some of our achievements, and bring you up to date on our facilities upgrade and some new initiatives we’re... Continue
[caption id="attachment_26101" align="alignnone" width="420" caption="A view of the new hospital structure, at left, and the remodeled current west wing, as seen looking eastward from Fourth Street West."][/caption] The City of Sonoma Design Review Commission has unanimously approved plans for a revamped Sonoma Valley Hospital, the... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: I have a question about going to the beach with my dog that I have been meaning to ask you for a very long time. I take her once a week and have been taking her since I adopted her when she... Continue