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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Cat vs. rattlesnake

Dear Dr. Forsythe: I wanted to write in because my cat was bitten by a rattlesnake two weeks ago and got a big swelling on her face. The vet said it would be $800 for the rattlesnake antivenom in addition to other medications. I was... Continue

Huffman salutes wind-powered winery

Assemblymember Jared Huffman (D-San Rafael) presented his Sustainable North Bay Award for July to Sonoma’s Anaba Wines on Tuesday. "I am pleased to recognize Anaba Wines for their environmentally responsible winemaking and energy efficient business operations," commented Huffman after touring the facility with proprietor John... Continue

Council member Gallian names scholarship winner

Aspiring wildlife cinematographer Thomas Conaway is the recipient of Sonoma City Councilwoman Laurie Gallian’s second annual Sonoma Sustainability Scholarship. The scholarship is awarded to a recent Sonoma Valley High School graduate, planning to attend Santa Rosa Junior College in the upcoming school year, with a desire to improve the environment. Gallian... Continue

Bobby Schimm, SVHS grad, receives prestigious award

Sonoma Valley High School 2010 graduate, Bobby Schimm received the prestigious NACo Presidential Scholarship recently awarded by the National Association of Counties, a national organization representing over 3000 counties nationwide. Schimm was selected by Sonoma County 1st District Supervisor, Valerie Brown, as one of only... Continue

Burglars of Maloney home plead guilty

Amber Marie True and Michael Vincent Gutierrez each pled guilty Thursday to three felony counts in the December break-in and ransacking of a Sonoma emptied by tragedy. John and Susan Maloney and their two children were killed in a traffic collision on November 28, 2009.... Continue

Sage advice for daughters and sons

Dear Dr. Forsythe: I am writing to ask your advice on how to handle a situation that has erupted with my daughter recently regarding her future. My 18 year old daughter has been studying at Santa Rosa Junior College with plans to transfer to UC... Continue

Spirit, honor and strength – the 2010 Relay For Life

 They run for lost mothers and daughters, fathers and sons. They run for family and friends gone too soon. They run, or jog or walk, together, with pride and strength. Others move along alone, silent with memory. Some by day, some by night, all with... Continue

Keeping wild horses running free

With the financial backing of Ellie Phipps Price, owner of Sand Hill Durrell Vineyards, activists recently bid $31,415 at a state-sanctioned auction in Nevada to keep 172 wild horses from going to the slaughterhouse. “It’s my passion is to save these horses,” Price said. “It’s... Continue

Union at Developmental Center endorses new contract

The union representing 667 state-employed workers at the Sonoma Devlopmental Center has voted to accept a new labor contract agreement with the Schwarzenegger administration. Statewide, 96 percent of the membership of the California Association of Psychiatric Technicians approved a deal that offers members protection from... Continue

Water agency hit with $350k fine

Days after repairing a sewage leak on Sonoma Creek in Glen Ellen, the Sonoma County Water Agency received more noxious news – a state fine of $348,400. The ruling, which was issued before the Madrone Road Bridge spill, charges the local agency with 37 sewer... Continue