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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Presentation School graduates heading far and wide for high school

The Presentation School’s 17 graduating eighth graders broke a great deal of new ground for the school, including spear-heading the school’s first ever Student Council, its first trip to Washington, D.C. (since 9/11) and reaching new heights for the school academically. The class is evenly... Continue

Museum draws $15k grant

The Sonoma Valley Museum of Art has been awarded a $15,000 grant to support the museum’s in-school educational program, Art Rewards the Student. The grant from Community Foundation Sonoma County was announced Monday. “We are so glad to be able to offer this program for... Continue

Protecting your canine’s canines

Dear Dr. Forsythe: I have a very old dachshund that has very bad teeth. I’ve had them cleaned several times and now he only has a few left. Last year they had to take out seven teeth when he had his teeth cleaned. I recently... Continue

City’s shining example of solar power

The City of Sonoma unveiled its first solar power system Wednesday, a grid of shiny panels atop the Sonoma Police Station. The photovoltaic system will offset nearly 70 percent of the annual bill for the Police Department and the other facilities at the 175-177 First... Continue

School district’s Ashley Halliday resigns

Sonoma Valley Unified School District Director of Human Resources Ashley Halliday will be leaving the District at the end of the month for a position in Napa Valley Unified School District. "Ashley has served this District well for over 19 years, and we will miss... Continue

Fire destroys mobile home

A Springs mobile home was destroyed Sunday afternoon in a fire that was quickly doused before it could spread to neighboring units in the Acacia Grove Mobile Park. Sonoma Valley Fire and Rescue responded to the blaze at about 4 p.m. The home’s back fence,... Continue

Fatal crash on Hwy 121

Two cars collided and overturned on Highway 121 Sunday afternoon near Ramal Road, killing two people and injuring one. The accident occurred at about 2:15 p.m. The California Highway Patrol reported that a 1990 Toyota Corolla drifted off the roadway and partially onto the dirt... Continue

New director of curriculum and instruction for school district

The Sonoma Valley Unified School District announced on Friday the hiring of Kathleen Biermann as the new Director of Curriculum and Instruction pending formal school board approval. Biermann comes from Monterey County where she worked most recently as assistant superintendent in the area of curriculum... Continue