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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Vote on Tuesday, June 8

Don’t forget to go to the polls on Tuesday. Under California law, you may only vote in the primary of the party with which you are registered. To find where to cast your ballot in person, use the handy location finder at If you... Continue

Kunde honored with lifetime agriculture award

Saluted by the Sonoma County Harvest Fair as one of the pivotal figures in the county wine industry, Richard Kunde has been honored with the Lifetime Contribution to Sonoma County Agriculture Award. Awards were announced recently at a combined meeting of the Sonoma County Fair... Continue

Untended grapevines could hide new moth threat

Owners of small neglected vineyards and even home grapevines need to be aware of the threat posed by the European Grapevine Moth, officials warn. A quarantine is in effect for 9,000 Sonoma Valley acres as the pest, first reported near Oakville in October, continues to... Continue

Appointment with: Dr. Michael A. Brown

With the arrival of Michael A. Brown, M.D., the community of Sonoma will gain a die-hard golfer, a father of four girls, a Giants fan and an experienced total joint replacement specialist to anchor the growing orthopedic program now underway at Sonoma Valley Hospital. Dr.... Continue

Retiring school staff leaves a legacy of service behind

Soon 17 employees of the Sonoma Valley Unified School District will be taking an extended summer break as they move into a new phase of life – retirement. The group includes 10 members of the teaching staff, two principals and five classified employees. Among the... Continue

Healthy Living Revolution

Well Sonoma, it’s June. We are officially halfway through 2010 as of this month. Where has the time gone? I mean this literally, my friends. Where has your time gone? Have you dedicated enough of your time to making and keeping yourself healthier? Or did... Continue

Not a pill-popping kind of cat

Dear Dr. Forsythe: I’ve been having serious problems giving my cat and his pills lately. Blackie sees me and disappears for the entire night, and finding him is almost impossible. He takes tapazole twice a day (one half of a tablet morning and evening) for... Continue

Memorial Day 2010

An American Eagle-eye view of the Sonoma Valley Joint Memorial Day Observance shows another large and reverent crowd for Monday’s honors at Sonoma Veterans Memorial Park Flags flew, the band played, veterans marched and more than a few tears were shed during the hometown tradition... Continue

Arson near Prestwood School

Arson is suspected in the midnight fire that burned a portable toilet to the ground and ignited a nearby fence between the city cemetery and Prestwood School. Fire officials said the MacArthur Street blaze was most likely started in the porta-potty structure with an unknown... Continue

Valley’s new moth threat

Owners of small vineyards and even home grapevines need to be aware of the threat posed by the European Grapevine Moth, officials warn. A quarantine is in effect for 9,000 Sonoma Valley acres as the pest, first reported near Oakville in October, continues to spread,... Continue