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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Hospital names interim CEO

The current Chief Financial Officer, Timothy J. Noakes, has been named interim chief executive officer of Sonoma Valley Hospital, succeeding outgoing CEO Carl Gerlach, who has announced that he will step down June 30. Noakes’ appointment is effective July 1. He will hold both posts... Continue

Poisoned meatball – not advised

Dear Dr. Forsythe: My white trash neighbors are driving us crazy with their barking dogs. They have several, and when they start barking up the side of our house along the fence, it is so loud. We can’t even use our back yard anymore it’s... Continue

How oil spill could affect state parks budget

The oil spill in the Gulf may have another far-reaching consequence – undermining the California State Parks’ budget. In his January budget, Governor Schwarzenegger linked state park funding to proceeds from offshore drilling near Santa Barbara. The Tranquillon Ridge project was to bring the state... Continue

Moves to raise wine tax run dry

Two campaigns to raise fees or taxes on wine are effectively dead, according to the Wine Institute. AB 1694, introduced by Jim Beall, (D-San Jose), would have imposed a 640% fee on wine. Proponents said the measure would raise $700+ million annually to help cover... Continue

Another delay for off-Plaza development

A hot topic was put on slow burn when the first formal public hearing on plans to develop 165 E. Spain Street was postponed by the Planning Commission. The panel granted a request by the Sonoma League for Historic Preservation to delay any decision until... Continue

Deputies raid $230k indoor pot farm

Sheriff’s deputies responding to a 911 call in Glen Ellen discovered a sophisticated indoor marijuana farm and cloning operation Monday. When the deputies arrived at the Robertson Road residence May 17, they met Jeffrey Moore, 47, of Glen Ellen. According to the sheriff’s report, deputies conducted... Continue

New coffee stand, board members for art museum

A coffee stand with seating for 12 has been approved for the Sonoma Valley Museum of Art. To serve museum guests and draw pedestrians inside, the cart and three tables will be arrayed inside the facility’s large window at 551 Broadway. “We’re excited about bringing... Continue

Tax revenue from hotel rooms falls 20 percent

Revenues from the Transient Occupancy Tax collected by Sonoma hoteliers in 2009 decreased about 20 percent from the previous year, according to the Sonoma County Economic Development Board. The $1,990,729 fell far below the comparable figures for 2008, when $2,547,692, an all-time high, was collected.... Continue

Benziger honored with national ‘Growing Green’ award

Local winemaker Mike Benziger, of Benziger Family Winery in Glen Ellen, has been awarded a 2010 Growing Green Award by the Natural Resources Defense Council, which recognizes leaders and innovators in the field of sustainable food. Mike Benziger, founder of Benziger Family Winery in Glen... Continue

Olympic swimmers in Sonoma

Agua Caliente Aquatic Center hosted a Swim Champions swim clinic Saturday with Olympic gold medalists Misty Hyman and Erik Vendt. The event was part of the Swim Champions Fitter Faster Tour that is currently touring the nation. The ACAC was one of only three California... Continue