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What’s Happening
Local Sonoma Valley News:

SDC – A proposal for community control 

By David Bolling | Reporting for The Sun --  The Sonoma Developmental Center – 945 acres rolling off the slope of Sonoma mountain and down across the floor of Sonoma Valley – is a unique piece of public land, the value of which can’t be... Continue

Fresh faces, pay raises and, for some, farewell

Ring or vote out the old, ring in the new. The Sonoma City Council and the School Board have new members. And Sonoma has a new police chief, too. It’s Lieutenant Brandon Cutting (pictured), an 18-year veteran of the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Department. He replaces... Continue

Sonoma Valley Health District seats two new boardmembers

The Sonoma Valley Health Care District board, which oversees Sonoma Valley Hospital, officially welcomed new members Denise M. Kalos and Wendy Lee Myatt. They replace the departing Joshua Rymer, former Board Chair, and Dr. Michael Mainardi, who have retired from the board after serving eight... Continue

Bob Cannard moves on from Green String Farm

By Jonah Raskin -- Bob Cannard hasn’t just been a superlative organic farmer, though he has been that. He has also been an advocate for regenerative agriculture, living close to the land, and banning all chemical herbicides and pesticides, like glyphosate, in California. His flagship... Continue

PG&E warns of power outages during weekend storm

Meteorologists are forecasting a significant weather system this weekend that could bring rain, gusty winds, heavy snow and the possibility of thunderstorms. Pacific Gas and Electric Company customers can view real-time outage information on the outage center website. Additionally, customers can sign up for outage notifications by... Continue

The criteria for opening a Warming Center

During a cold snap Dec. 1-2, the City of Sonoma and County of Sonoma opened an Extreme Weather Warming Center at the Sonoma Valley Veteran’s Building. What's the criteria for opening that kind of shelter? The City and County follow these guidelines for evaluating warming... Continue

Sonoma’s new Mayor and City Council

[caption id="attachment_125381" align="aligncenter" width="420"] Councilmember Patricia Ferrar-Rivas, Vice Mayor John Gurney, Mayor Sandra Lowe, Councilmember Ron Wellander and Councilmember Jack Ding[/caption] At its meeting of December 7, 2022, the community said goodbye to outgoing Sonoma City Council members Vice-Mayor Kelso Barnett, Councilman Robert Felder and... Continue

Rainwater harvesting at Flowery School

Sonoma Ecology Center is working with the community to adapt to historic drought conditions. Its latest project is rainwater harvesting system at Flowery Elementary School that serves as a demonstration project to explore the feasibility of replicating this system at other schools. Steven Lee, Senior... Continue

A season of grace calls for sensitivity

By Stefanie F. Smith -- The holiday season calls for us to be trauma sensitive. This time of year can be very difficult for far too many people, especially those who have survived or are surviving trauma. Family gatherings may expose survivors to those who... Continue

Sonoma Plaza has a parking problem

By Larry Barnett -- The City of Sonoma is reviewing the most recent in a series of Plaza parking studies conducted over the past three decades. Like all past studies, this one notes that Plaza parking spaces are limited in number, and that employees of... Continue