Barbara Rochester, of Temelec, reported on Oct. 29 that her cat, Jake, had been shot in her yard at close range by a BB gun. “I was in a state of shock,” she said, “somebody shot my cat!” She said the pellet struck Jake in... Continue
What’s Happening
Local Sonoma Valley News:
Alyssa Morrisey Special to the Sun Valley Wine Shack looks like just another Sonoma wine vendor and tasting room at first glance, surely destined to play second fiddle to the shops listed in tourists’ guidebooks. At three weeks old, it is so new that owner... Continue
Following a 20-minute discussion about their intended procedure, the Sonoma City Council last night agreed to talk about annexing the Springs but deferred the actual conversation to a future meeting. The council approved 4—1 a motion by Councilmember Steve Barbose to overturn an earlier council... Continue
Sonoma Valley Hospital got a fiscal shot in the arm yesterday as voters overwhelmingly approved a $35 million bond measure for badly needed facility upgrades. The Valley’s other Election Day races were much closer, with incumbent Sonoma County First District Supervisor Valerie Brown apparently eking... Continue
Monitoring the election results at SVTV Race '08 headquarters, the Sun called Measure P a winner less than 2 hours after the polls closed. With 71 percent voters in favor and 13 percent opposed in last week's Sun poll, victory was expected, and it took... Continue
President and Vice President Completed Precincts: 453 of 453 Vote Count Percentage Obama/Biden, Dem 143,399 73.5% McCain/Palin, Rep 47,184 24.0% Nader/Gonzalez, PF 1,633 0.8% Barr/Root, Lib 1,065 0.5% Keyes/Drake, AIP 707 0.4% McKinney/Clemente, Grn 692 0.4% Write-in candidate(s) 674 0.3% U S Representative 1st... Continue
The Sun asked each of the twelve candidates for local office if they had any final comments to the local voters, especially since the ballot statements were submitted several months ago. Responses were limited to 50 words, with another 25 words to answer the question,... Continue
As part of its Race ’08 election coverage, the Sun conducted a poll of registered voters in Sonoma Valley on two candidate races, two local measures, and two statewide propositions. Responses to six yes/no questions were given last week by over 400 voters randomly selected... Continue
An unprecendented number of voters and absentee ballots means Sonoma County election officials will be working hard today – and continuing the job they started last week. Polls are open today between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. Assistant Registrar of Voters Gloria Coulter said Thursday... Continue
Surely the visionaries in the 1990s must have been pleased: with an acronym like SMART, how could the “Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit” project fail? At that time, planners were considering how to transfer to public ownership the property of the failing Northwestern Pacific Railroad. In... Continue