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What’s Happening
Local Sonoma Valley News:

Murderer gets maximum sentence for 2005 stabbing

Sebastiani Theatre owner Roger Rhoten has established a fund for the six-year-old daughter of Zoila Echeverria, who was stabbed to death on Feb. 19, 2005 in Glen Ellen. Echeverria, who was 20 at the time, had worked for the theater as well as for the... Continue

‘Free’ hospital plan gets grilled

A proposal to build a free hospital in Sonoma didn’t get a free ride at a public forum Monday night. Audience members asked tough questions of the developers who want to build a privately funded hospital to replace the publicly owned Sonoma Valley Hospital, which... Continue

Remembering 9-11

United Airlines pilot Ed Vaughn was among the speakers at a Sept. 11 tribute held Monday morning at St. Francis Solano School. The event was to honor those who died five years ago in the terrorist attack on America. Many community members, school alumni and... Continue

If they unbuild it, what will come?

If a new Sonoma Valley Hospital gets built on the outskirts of town, what happens to the existing hospital on Andrieux Street? That likely will be influenced by covenants, codes and restrictions, or CCRs, written years ago when the Sebastiani family donated the land on... Continue

Man dies of seizure after cabin burns

A diabetic Glen Ellen man, Charles Aldean Joslin, who lived alone apparently set his cabin at 910 Horn Road on fire at about 11 p.m. on Aug. 30 while cooking and, a little later at a neighbor’s house, had a seizure and died. That’s according... Continue