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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Schwab Cup ‘gives back’ to Sonoma

Representatives from 11 local nonprofit organizations gathered at the Sonoma Golf Club last week to receive charitable contributions from the proceeds of the 2006 Schwab Cup golf tournament. The money will go to support efforts ranging from building homes for low-income families to offering educational... Continue

Sonoma firm sheds light on design trends

They have been too busy to put up a sign. So if you didn’t know better, the company located in a non-descript business park off Eighth Street East could be importing trinkets for wine country tourists. But behind door No. 3 is the headquarters of... Continue

Speeding up ‘Slo-noma’?

The Sonoma City Council met with the city’s traffic safety committee Monday night to discuss possible speed-limit modifications in seven out of 26 streets recently surveyed by a transportation specialist. Every five years, the city of Sonoma is required by law to conduct a speed... Continue

News Biefs

New hospital CEO to ink contract Carl Gerlach, the newly hired chief executive officer of the Sonoma Valley Hospital, is expected to sign a contract that will determine his annual salary at a Feb. 21 meeting of the hospital board. Time and location hadn’t been... Continue

No health care coalition meeting tonight.

There won't be a Sonoma Valley Health Care Coalition meeting tonight, Monday, Feb. 12. The coalition usually meets at 7 p.m. at the Sonoma Community Center. The ad hoc group has been meeting at various locations for months to try to come up with a... Continue

News Brief

One thrift store to rule them all Sunrise Outlet, a thrift store located in the Fiesta Plaza shopping mall in Boyes Hot Springs that’s affiliated with the Sonoma Developmental Center, is closing. The Sonoma Development Center, or SDC, is a state residence for clients with... Continue

Hospital Hires Consultant as New CEO

At a lightly attended meeting Tuesday evening, the Sonoma Valley Hospital board selected Carl Gerlach as its new Chief Executive Officer. While his actual title is "interim CEO," Gerlach was frank about wanting the position to be "interim" for as short a time as possible.... Continue

Foster Dogs

The Humane Society & SPCA of Sonoma County is launching a foster dog program to place current canine residents of the Humane Society into loving and highly trained foster homes. The program was created for those dogs that have special-training needs and that require one-on-one... Continue

Hospital CEO Kowal, boardmember MacConaghy step down

Hoping to improve the odds that voters will approve a hospital parcel tax, Robert Kowal, the CEO of the Sonoma Valley Hospital, and John MacConaghy, a hospital board member, this week resigned from their posts. At presstime, Kowal’s resignation wasn’t official. The hospital board was... Continue

Council takes disability awareness tour

On Friday afternoon, the Sonoma City Council toured portions of the plaza and wheeled down Broadway as far as the Sonoma Post Office propelled by their own arm muscles. Each councilmember was in a wheelchair as part of a disability-barrier awareness tour. The city council,... Continue