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Local Sonoma Valley News:

Climate disaster for fun and profit

We are constantly reminded that Planetary Doom is inevitable if we don't get our greenhouse-gassing/carbon-emitting/arctic-melting/deforestating/overfishing/over-eating/under-exercising/over-dumping and plastic under control by 2050.   After that, the planet as we know it (yes, even the Plaza) will become a giant Apocalyptic movie set. And Humans with our gassy/trashy/smashy/TicToc... Continue

Spring Supper raises $50k for the homeless

Serving 175 gourmet meals drive-by style at Springs Hall, Sonoma Overnight Support raised $50,000 with its Spring Supper Fundraiser. [caption id="attachment_120154" align="aligncenter" width="200"] Executive Director Kathy King flanked by Councilmember Madolyn Agrimonti and daughter, Rosa King greeted donors at this year's Spring Supper.[/caption] “Chefs Dan... Continue

SV School District fills three top jobs

The Sonoma Valley Unified School District today named three top school administrators, promoting the High School vice principal to the lead job, and filling posts at Flowery Elementary and Adele Harrison Middle School.  Molly Kiss is Sonoma Valley High School’s new principal. She was hired... Continue

Candlelight vigil tonight for missing Sonoma teen

There will be a candlelight vigil held for Aidan Clune, the missing Sonoma teenager, on Friday night, May 13, at 8 p.m. on the Plaza. Aidan graduated from SVHS last year, and he has been missing for two weeks in the Nevada high desert. Saturday... Continue

Impact100 Sonoma announces $335k in nonprofit grants

Impact100 Sonoma, the philanthropic collective that pools its funds to support Valley nonprofits, disbursed $335,000 in grants for 2022 -- its highest total ever.  Thirteen full Impetus Grants and one partial grant received up to $25,000 each. Checks were presented April 30 at a Vintage... Continue

George Webber’s achievement of a lifetime. But whose?

George Webber’s specialty is bringing historic figures to life. He portrayed for many years "The Count of Buena Vista,” Agoston Haraszthy; now, also in full historic regalia, he leads Sonoma Plaza tours as General Vallejo. So a prestigious Legacy Award -- the Sonoma County Tourism... Continue

Firing up the pancakes for Mother’s Day

The Glen Ellen Firefighters Association hosted its annual Mother’s Day pancake breakfast at Station 5 on Sunday. The crew works the line, buffet style. Photos by William Murray. See the full gallery here.     Continue

Friends and Family Day at Bouverie Preserve

Springtime beauty and guided hikes with experts on animal tracking, mountain lions, birds, and more. Children will have fun learning to walk like different mammals and racing leaves in the waters of Stuart Creek. $20 suggested donation, kids free. 9:30 a.m.- 1 p.m. Bouverie Preserve,... Continue

“No legal recourse” — A woman’s story

By Norma Barnett -- “There is nothing in [the Constitution] about women at all. Most consequentially, there is nothing in that document…that suggests its authors imagined women as part of the political community embraced by the phrase “We the People”. Jill LePore, Why There are... Continue