The long languid days of summer are almost here! With these wonderful sunshiny days come picnics, hikes, warm afternoons sipping wine in the Plaza, and festive barbecues in the backyard. It is truly difficult to even consider traveling away from Sonoma when it is just... Continue
Food & Wine
Sonoma, I have some good news and I have some bad news. The good news is very, very, very good. It is very yummy news to say the least. I could not be happier to report that we are about to get a whole lot... Continue
I love that shake-ah, shake-ah noise: ice rattling ferociously in a stainless cocktail shaker. The crunch-crunch sound of ice, fruit, citrus, herbs being muddled... all happy sounds of a cocktail being prepared. The heady aromas of mint being crushed beneath sugar and lime, the glorious anticipation... Continue
Seeing the shiny white tips of the market tents poking through the Plaza trees was certainly a sight for sore eyes. Each long winter, the months pass in a chilly, wet blur as we count the days until the hot summer Sonoma sun returns and... Continue
If only because of strawberries, spring is one of my favorite times of year. I wouldn’t dream of picking them up anywhere but at the Watmaugh strawberry patch, where each berry is jewel-like, sticky sweet, and tooth-achingly perfect. I adore the fact that at just... Continue
My love affair with the vibrant culture and cuisine of Mexico began many years ago. As a kid, growing up in South Florida, where at the time Mexican meant Tex-Mex and the restaurants were often chain, the idea of Mexican food felt so very exotic,... Continue
Pimento cheese spread. Do you know it? The cheesy, mayonnaise-y stuff was never a favorite of mine, particularly after having to make vats of the stuff, typically elbow deep in it on a daily basis when we had our market in North Carolina. Pimento cheese... Continue
I sit here at the Aloha Bar, lazily watching the parade of tanned and tattooed surfers as they pad sandy-footed off the beach, wax-coated boards balanced on their shaven and dreadlocked heads or tucked under their tanned and muscled arms. I sit here ogled-eyed each day... Continue
April is National Grilled Cheese Month. Wow, like we really need a reason to eat cheese and bread, right? Then again, comfort food means something different to everyone. For some, it is ice cream or a good, greasy hamburger or, possibly, momma’s spaghetti and meatballs... Continue
A bird was truly going bizerk outside of my window the other day, the sun already shining bright and golden at that early hour. I sleepily pried one eye open, ready to be cranky at the audacity of that bird being so absurdly joyful at... Continue