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Food & Wine

What Kristin can’t stop eating, right now

I go through phases of craving certain foods, getting on a kick of preparing or dining out on a certain thing every day for days on end before I am tired of it, finally moving on to the next thing. Doesn’t everyone do this? Oh... Continue

Dear Kenwood Inn: a love letter

Originally, this column was going to be a simple list consisting of my favorite spots locally to snuggle up with yummy food and my sweetie on Valentine’s Day. I was going to share with you how romantic it is to cuddle in front of the... Continue

Olive you Sonoma

As last week’s rains remind us of the many cold, grey days still to come this winter, I am strangely not at all sad. We have so many delicious reasons to love our Northern California winters! Besides the fact that it’s Dungeness crab season and... Continue

Lunch with the girls: Petaluma’s Della Fattoria

What brought me to Petaluma the very first time were the rumors that there was some pretty fabulous antiquing to be done there. There definitely is, I love those shops over there, but what keeps me going back time and time again are the great... Continue

Football, festivities and plenty of good food

I experienced a startling revelation this month. I like football. I really do. I can imagine my family and long time friends are open mouthed, shocked, in disbelief at this very moment. I never really thought too much about football. I didn’t “not like it,”... Continue

Required eating: comfort food

It’s almost impossible to pry myself from the warmth of my comfy bed these days. I manage to partially open one eye and focus on the sheer drapes covering the tall windows, hoping for light, but heartbroken when it’s still dark and it’s almost 7... Continue

New year, same old me.

Life is short. Truly, it whirls by at an alarming rate. Here we are on the brink of a new, delicious year. 2012, can anyone really believe it? This is typically the time of year when we begin to reflect on the year prior, traditionally... Continue

Discovering wood-fired bliss at Petaluma’s Central Market

I do believe I’ve mentioned my desperate quest for “happy dance” inducing cuisine? You know, the feeling; when you take a bite of something that literally stops you mid-chew, while your eyes widen and you begin an uncontrollable, joyful jig of happiness? Left speechless, you... Continue

What’s cookin’ wine country?

Crab “Steusday” at LaSalette LaSalette, just so happens to be one of my most favored winter dining spots, a perfect place to while away a cold, rainy evening in front of the wood-burning oven or snuggled into a cozy table for two. Throw in a... Continue

My good gift guide

As I sit pondering this week’s column, “I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus,” has now officially been stuck in my head for the third day in a row and I’m tempted to switch up my daily morning routine with a pumpkin spice or egg nog... Continue