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Wild Valley

Teri Shore: Defending our Forests

Endangered spotted owls soared into the national news and tree sitters claimed the Headwaters Forest along California’s North Coast during the timber wars of the 1990s. A group of Sonoma Valley residents were among the crowds that made the trek to march in Ft. Bragg... Continue

Teri Shore: Backyard Fun with Wildlife Cameras

Wildlife cameras set out in open spaces to capture images of mountain lions, bears, birds, and whatever else happens to amble by, have helped researchers, naturalists and the rest of us learn more about wildlife. Who knew that multiple mountain lions ventured from the Mayacamas... Continue

What’s Up in Wingo?

Once in a while I take a walk along the road to Wingo at the south end of Sonoma Valley. Starting from the end of Millerick Road at Larson Family Winery, the old public access road is bordered by the tangled riparian corridor of Sonoma... Continue

A Hot Day in the Hood

The forest felt pensive as I entered Hood Mountain Regional Park from the Los Alamos Road entrance on the last Monday morning in September. Temperatures above 100 degrees were forecast, so my plan was to take a short walk down to Wildcat Creek where the... Continue

Beaver Dams for All

The beaver dam is back along Sonoma Creek in Maxwell Farms Regional Park, after winter storms washed away the previous dams, as usual.  We can find beaver dams here and there in the Sonoma Valley watershed, and the ecological benefits include slowing and storing water... Continue

A stroll around Lake Suttonfield

On a recent morning, I strolled l around Lake Suttonfield at the former Sonoma Developmental Center. It is in the heart of the wildlife corridor where I’ve walked for decades.  I was dazzled by the wildflowers and birds that I might have missed had I... Continue

Wild over wildflowers

Wildflowers enthrall me. Over the past three years, since I lost Stan and stopped working, I’ve become enchanted by the native wildflowers that brighten our hillsides once everything’s turned green. And now I’m learning when and where to find them! For a long time I... Continue

The joy of tracking

Now that the rain is here and the ground is muddy, it is the best time of year for animal tracking in Sonoma Valley. While our local coyotes, bobcats, fox and other wild creatures live here year-round, finding their tracks is much harder when everything... Continue

Beavers are an ecosystem

The beaver dam is back on Sonoma Creek in Maxwell Farms Regional Park. It was washed away during last season’s storms. Last time I looked, the intertwined limbs and branches were holding back the low water flows as summer turned to fall. I also found... Continue

Beating the heat

When squirrels lay flat on tree limbs and ravens pant through their beaks, you know it is unbearably hot. I mean it’s been dangerously hot this summer for beast and man as well as for plants, soil, creeks, and the ocean. Indeed, the summer of... Continue