Give thanks Sonoma The day begins with fresh bread, coffee, exercise, the clank of the garbage truck. It progresses, like so many other days, with school drop offs, work, lunch, an end-of-day cocktail with friends, dinner, music, a movie, etc. Welcome to one day in... Continue
[caption id="attachment_27727" align="alignnone" width="420" caption="Pets Lifeline’s calendar girls strike a pose."][/caption] Valley women love their pets and, it seems, will do practically anything to help animals in need. With that in mind, a group of gutsy Valley women came together to pull off a bit... Continue
The “street food” scene is all the rage in Bay Area dining right now, but before hipsters were dishing out top dollar for crème brûlée from a street cart or dim sum from a vintage air stream trailer, and years prior to the first of... Continue
Photos by Melania Mahoney It’s harvest and with harvest comes Fashion in the Vineyards, the Boys & Girls Clubs’ annual runway show and fundraiser. Once again, the event will feature the latest in fashion for men, women and children modeled by some of the Valley’s... Continue
Sondra Bernstein has been dishing up her popular ‘plats du jour’ concept for years now in her three area restaurants: Sonoma’s girl & the fig and ESTATE, and the fig café in Glen Ellen. According to Bernstein, the well-priced, three-course meal functions on a number... Continue
[caption id="attachment_26978" align="alignnone" width="420" caption="The Lovin' Oven girls – and now boy – are a culinary crew to be reckoned with."][/caption] Impact100 Sonoma awarded its second $100,000 grant in June to Sonoma Valley Teen Services and that organization is now poised to implement the grant... Continue
Victor Mejia-Ferrer El Sol de Sonoma Colaboradores Anna Pier & Carmen Farías Una verdadera fiesta de colores, sabores y sonidos fue lo que pudimos disfrutar el pasado domingo 18 de septiembre en la Plaza de Sonoma con motivo de la celebración del 201 aniversario del... Continue
In a still, gray morning on Sonoma Plaza, a team of 18 volunteers read the names of the 2,977 victims of 9/11. It took nearly three hours. During the prayer-like recital, the reverential aura of the outdoor amphitheater was surrounded by scenes of everyday life:... Continue
[caption id="attachment_26617" align="alignnone" width="420" caption="Photo: Pat Johnson"][/caption] By Mike Hyland – Sun Music Writer “It’s hard to believe we’ve been doing this for 25 years now,” reflects Bruce Cohn, sitting in his office on the winery grounds, recalling the early days of the B.R. Cohn... Continue
Next at SVMA On September 17, The Sonoma Valley Musuem of Art will open “Sonida Pirata: What You Need You Have to Borrow.” In Latin America it is common for popular music to be pirated and sold by street vendors as commercial merchandise. The artists... Continue