Recently, after a particularly busy day at my hospital where it seemed as though nearly every patient had a rather dreadful diagnosis, I had a baffling interaction with a client towards the end of the afternoon. A lovely young 20-something was in the exam room... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: I recently heard about a cat whose tail got pulled really hard and it caused him all sorts of problems. Since my friend mentioned you were the vet taking care of that cat, could you please tell me a little about how... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: Now that school has begun, my husband and I are having the discussion about whether or not to get our two children a dog (again). We have had this same "talk" for the past three years. The kids beg and beg their father,... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: Our 19 year old kitty is clearly approaching the end of his life and we are so sad as we have had the privilege of sharing our lives and home with him. We love him so much. He has recently survived a... Continue
In support of local efforts to ban leaf blowers and improve the quality of life in Sonoma and drastically reduce unnecessary harmful particulate matter in the air we breathe, I wanted to contribute a few statements and my opinion from the vantage point of a... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: Two weeks ago my girlfriend and I discovered that our dog Pinot had a serious abscess around her butt. We took her to the vet and he had to do surgery on her anal gland abscesses and even found a large fox... Continue
Dear readers: While I was down in Westlake Village recently, I came upon a little dog that was trying to merge onto 101 northbound on foot -- dangerously close to my friend’s Subaru -- so I quickly snatched the little hairy pooch up from the... Continue
Dear readers: While I was down in Westlake Village recently, I came upon a little dog that was trying to merge onto 101 northbound on foot -- dangerously close to my friend's Subaru -- so I quickly snatched the little hairy pooch up from the... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: I’m writing because I was going through my vet receipts the other day, and I counted at least 20 prescriptions for Cephalexin over the last two years. My little Maltipoo, “Muffin,” suffers from bad allergies, but I realize that she has gotten... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: My terrier “Renshaw” is having terrible itching and scratching problems again this spring. He seems to get this a few times a year, but in his fout years, it has gotten worse and worse to the point he is licking and chewing... Continue