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College bound without the hound

Dear Dr. Forsythe: I’m getting ready to move away to college this August, and I am freaking out about what to do with my dog Amber.  She is my best friend and I’ve had her since 6th grade.  I didn’t realize when I applied to... Continue

Animal hoarders need help

Dear Dr. Abbie:  We have an elderly couple in our neighborhood that is really scary. Their house is overgrown with bushes and overflows with trash.  Cats jump in and out of the windows. Over the years it seems like they gotten more and more cats.... Continue

Hard decisions

Dear Dr. Abbie: We live in a Mobile Home Park for retirees. We are only supposed to have one dog. We had one, but when she had puppies a few years ago, one of the pups got returned. He was always our favorite so we... Continue

Lessons on eye trauma

Dear Dr. Forsythe: My daughter and son-in-law from Santa Monica recently celebrated their first wedding anniversary by taking a cruise to Hawaii, and I volunteered to house-sit their two-year-old Pekingese “Noodle.” On the first night after they departed, Noodle was out playing with some of... Continue

The troubling thing about cat vomit

Dear Dr. Abbie:  My cat, Mr. Toes, has been throwing up more often lately. I think it might be more than hairballs. He seems to be a little skinnier than he was last year. We had to move back in with my parents and the... Continue

Two docs are better than one

Dear Dr. Forsythe:  I lost my cat, Ambrosia, a couple of years ago after she fought cancer for over a year.  For the last six to eight months, I have been open to the idea of adopting another kitty.  So far I have gone to... Continue

Reducing separation anxiety

Dear Dr. Abbie:  The dog we just got from the shelter does not seem to be house trained. He goes outside, but when we leave him alone he poops and pees in the house. We tried crating him, but he destroyed the crate. He’s really... Continue

Give me land, lots of land

Dear Dr. Abbie:  We just adopted a beautiful Border Collie. She is so smart, but she has been tearing up our house when we are at work. We love her, but we can’t keep buying a new couch every week. Sign us, Wit’s end Dear... Continue

Cat tales

Dear Dr. Abbie:  Our cat just went to the vet for a yearly check-up. His blood work showed a high blood glucose level.  The vet wants to do more testing to see if he has diabetes.  He seems fine.  Does he need more testing? –... Continue

Seasonal dangers for both cats and dogs

Dear Doctor Abbie: My aunt loves to get me an Easter Lily every year. I don’t have the heart to tell her I can’t stand the way they smell. But now I have a bigger problem. We have a new cat, and he loves to... Continue