Though the Democratic convention is over a year away, the Democratic Party struggles with unpredictability as to who will be their candidate in the 2016 Presidential election. Right now only Sec’y of State Hillary Clinton and Vermont Senate Bernie Sanders are showing any support by... Continue
If I’m counting correctly, 17 Republican have declared their candidacy for the Presidency of the United States. Of that contingency there are 14 white males, 1 white female, 1African American and 1 Indian American candidate. If you think about it, this is rather amazing. This... Continue
In 1942 the existential philosopher Albert Camus wrote a lengthy philosophical essay on Existentialism and Absurd-ism based on the Greek Myth of Sisyphus. Sisyphus was founder and king of Corinth/Ephyra. When Hades came to ensnare him, the cunning Sisyphus tricked Hades into submission. Hades was... Continue
On Wednesday evening May 20, 2015, Dave Letterman aired his last show and said goodbye to the American people. It was a sad night for me and many others of us in our seventies. It was the end of an era of comedy that started... Continue
I love being married to a woman. In fact I love it so much, I've done it twice. My first marriage lasted 16 years and rewarded me with a wonderful daughter and son. My second marriage is in its 36th year and has rewarded me... Continue
In his March address before a joint session of Congress, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke of the “existential threat” that Iran posed against his country. In response, Congress intensified its push for military intervention to destroy this enemy. The phrase became a buzz words... Continue
Once again we hear the clamor for an expansion of US involvement in the Middle East, not that we haven’t been pounding the sands in Afghanistan and Iraq with continuous bombing for six months now. Once again the White House and the Congress choose to... Continue
Note to the reader: This column first ran in August 2013 to the clamor surrounding Edward Snowden’s stealing NSA documents and taking refuge in Russia. This past Friday the movie “Citizenfour,” a documentary about Snowden. opened up in theaters across the nation. My take on... Continue
Much has been written about last month’s violence in Paris. As a columnist and host of a radio show where I express my political, philosophic and religious opinions, I have been absorbed with the coverage of the attacks. The world is stunned and searching for... Continue
Along with a lot of my friends and some of my neighbors, I love politics and I don’t mind getting into long discussions with conservatives or people on the right. Sure we disagree! But so what? It’s been a part of my life for as... Continue