Dear Dr. Forsythe: My middle aged Australian Shepherd mix, Kyle, has a problem with vomiting. He doesn’t do it all the time, but it seems like he vomits more often in the middle of the night. Sometimes if I am late from work, I come... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: I just started a new job and didn’t realize the separation anxiety that would develop in the house with my dog Claire. But the separation is MINE. I miss her very much from the minute I leave the house until I get... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: I have a very old cat that suffers from a heart ailment and is very delicate. Thank God she has not needed to be put under anesthesia for any reason, but I am really worried if she ever needed a surgery what... Continue
Dear Readers: For my final column of the year, I am sharing some photos of a few of the wonderful animals that have touched my life this past year in a special way. Of course there are many more that are not included herein, all... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: I recently adopted a new cat from a shelter in Sonoma County. I love my new “Samba” but he has taken over my life. He not only pushes me around the house, but he has me on a new schedule. He decides... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: I’m a second year veterinary student at UC Davis, and I’m very worried about my dog. My small dog has been coughing recently and was diagnosed with a heart condition. He is going to be put into a study at my school... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: Please let your readers know about that injection you gave my cat last week. Ziggy is really hard to give medications to and after the abscess repair, I was worried about having to get those liquid antibiotics down his throat for ten... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: I’ve recently noticed a canine in the vineyard behind our house that is light grey/silver colored with pointy ears and very pointy nose. It was dog-like but seemed aggressive and I heard howling before we saw it. After it roamed around... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: My cat stopped eating a few days ago and now it isn’t drinking either. I think she has a fever. I don’t have any money to pay vet bills, so what do you recommend? I don’t want her to die, but there... Continue
Dear Dr. Forsythe: Please settle a dispute for me and my husband. Our three-year-old Boxer has taken to popping up on the bed nightly and is not willing to stay on his bed anymore. It started when my husband was away on a business trip... Continue