As I look out upon your young faces, proud at having come this far and eager to get on to the challenges you will face, I’m loath to throw a bummer onto the highway of your progress, but afraid I must. I’ve come here to remind... Continue
The blog today is comprised of random quotes, no particular theme in mind except it might in part reflect what might be called The Child’s Lament or Why Does It Have To Be Like This? It’s a question I’ve asked for as long as I... Continue
First, trolling bait to the anti-brown immigrants crowd, by calling Mexicans “sent here by their government,” “rapists,” and “bringing drugs and crime,” he then stirred in xenophobic fears and racial bias aimed at the Chinese government with factually dumb and just plain wrong rhetoric geared... Continue
Bumped into my old friend Vladimir Bupkis at the Sacred Grounds coffee shop in town. I stood on line to place my order. “What’ll you have, sir?” "Cup of coffee.” “What size: petit, grande or machismo?” “Just pour the crap in a cup and give... Continue
I don’t mind when the self-righteous, smug, condescending rightwing cretins bad-mouth liberals and whine that their free-market is being trampled by Regulations Barbarians and bleeding heart do-gooders who care about the rights of people other than white Christians. Hey, it’s a free country I’m told... Continue
So how about that news? What news, you say? You know, the News. Trump. Bernie/Hillary. Black woman found dead in a Texas jail “committing suicide” over a minor traffic violation. No war with Iran. Trump. I can’t help it, I love the Donald in all... Continue
Once in its grip, the system tries to break them. Half-broken black men, hip-to-it brown men, not buying it Asians and rebellious usually stupid white ones. And the system knows how to break them, break them further. So when they get out of it, if... Continue
So it’s case closed on the Andy Lopez killing. That’s the judgment from on high – the DA’s office and the feds (FBI) investigating the matter: a 13-year-old boy rubbed out by cops only seconds after being told to halt and drop his gun, a... Continue
When I first landed in Sonoma I met a guy named Brady Brady, who was a friend of Stanley Mouse, who knew Earl LeClaire the chef from the Sonoma Hotel, who wrote a poem about his dog, Spike, and recited it while a guy called... Continue
In a recent email to some friends I alluded to what I thought the three greatest things that happened in my lifetime (1941 – present) were the defeat of Hitler, the civil rights movement in the 60s and the election in America of a black... Continue