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The general welfare and the common good

An open letter to the City Council: It is now eight months since you have been in office and it’s time to ask yourselves what you’ve accomplished? This is not about how many policy decisions you’ve made about land-use issues, or the myriad business policy and... Continue

Land use

The native people who lived here in this valley and in the surrounding hillsides and low-lying mountains used the land for their needs – water, food and shelter – and over time discovered uses for plants besides as food. They knew which plants could heal... Continue

A geezer’s lament

When I first landed in Sonoma I met a guy named Brady Brady, who was a friend of Stanley Mouse, who knew Earl LeClaire the chef from the Sonoma Hotel, who wrote a poem about his dog, Spike, and recited it while a guy called... Continue

A Sense of Place

At a recent talking heads (albeit with visible bodies attached) event labeled, “A Community Conversation,” the opening question thrown out to the audience was, “What does Sonoma mean to you?” to be answered in a few words or a short phrase. I thought about it... Continue

President’s Message April 2015

Note; The following guest blog is a personal letter published by the Parent Hospital Association of the Sonoma Developmental Center written by the Association’s President Kathleen Miller. INTRODUCTION- Clearly Sonoma Developmental Center along with Fairview Developmental Center is under attack. Both Assemblymember Grove and Senator... Continue

A legacy of free press advocacy

This is a guest blog written by Peter Phillips in honor and in recognition of the life and work of Carl Jensen, the founder of Project Censored. Peter Phillips is President of the Media Freedom Foundation/Project Censored, past Director of Project Censored (1996-2010), and Professor... Continue

The Meaning of Freedom

The last exit to San Quentin on Route 580 is an easy right turn just before the Richmond Bridge. Entry into San Quentin, the only prison in California that executes its inmates, that vibe of which is palpable, is a whole other matter. So let... Continue

Big Wine fails to dry farm during California’s drought

This article is a guest column by Shepherd Bliss California Governor Jerry Brown spent this year’s Earth Day at the elite Iron Horse Winery in the Sebastopol countryside. It was a great photo opportunity and promotion for the winery. Iron Horse is known for donations to... Continue

Sustainable: What does it Really Mean?

Sustainable: Able to be maintained at a certain level; able to be used without being completely used up or destroyed. -- Standard dictionary definition “Populations in a given politically or geographically defined area become truly sustainable…  (1) When living within the limits of that area's... Continue

A Tale of BS: It’s Biblical

OMG, TV anchor Brian Williams bullshitted, or is it bullshat. Either way he slung it, or is it slinged it – oh grammar, why hast thou forsaken me? Okay, this calls for a science-based experiment. I want everyone who has ever BS-ed about something –... Continue