No, not silent night – that comes in December. But compared to Halloweens past, last night was indeed quiet.
While it was a night of spirited fun, the police reports for the night list a typical number of parking violations and disturbance calls, and only onc vandalism report.
One gets a new perspective on local neighborhoods, tagging along behind costumed youths. The Lasseters’ house, of course, is always a ‘must see.’ This year, they had jalopies on blocks in the front yard and a broken refrigerator on its side, pulling off a convincing hill-billy look (at least, relative to the neighboring eastside homes).
There seemed to be fewer ‘dark’ costumes in evidence, with many fairies and hoboes, instead. Or maybe it was just the welcome passing of the full-face ‘Scream’ masks of the last few years. Even the swords seemed to be wielded by positive heros, like Eragon, the dragon-rider.
The week delay in daylight savings time was also a nice development, as much of the trick-or-treating was accomplished (now, there’s a middle-aged perspective) before dark.
Say, where did all those Snickers go?
Quiet Night
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