A loud party of 20 or 30 participants erupted in violence last Sunday, in the early hours, in front of the El Verano Inn at 705 Laurel Avenue. One victim, age 21, from El Verano, was admitted to the Sonoma Valley Hospital emergency room and treated for multiple but not life-threatening stab wounds. A second person, 20, is being called by police a victim, but was not stabbed.
Police, called to the scene, found numerous people scattering and were told that there had been a fight, but that the people involved in the fight had since left. While officers were talking to bystanders, another call came in that a man had shown up at the emergency room with stab wounds. As soon as police at the scene of the party heard there had been a stabbing, they secured the site, pronounced it a crime scene, and notified the violent crime unit. Investigators are still trying to determine the motive for the stabbing.
While it is the second such near tragedy to occur at a party this month, there is no stated connection or association at this time. Sensitive to the increased awareness of gang related activities, Sgt. Greg Stashyn of the Sonoma Sheriff’s Department said it was too early to say whether or not the fight was a result of gang involvement. “A lot of things look like gangs,” he said, “but we don’t want to label anything or anyone prematurely.”
On the topic of gang activities, Stashyn said he has been participating in the local gang forums, commenting that they have been excellent. “They had real ex-gang members come and speak and tell what to look for in your children,” he said, “in dress, or writings on their back packs.” Parents need to be alert to the signals: their kids’ favorite color isn’t just blue, and their favorite number isn’t just 13. “I’m really impressed with the program,” Stashyn said, adding that he was encouraged by the community response to the wake-up call they had received in October of this year, when a shooting death brought home the potential tragedy of gang violence.
As to whether alcohol might have played a part in Sunday’s stabbing, Stashyn said, “Well, it did take place in front of a bar.”
Weekend stabbing sends two to hospital
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