As of January 1, 2008, smoking with kids in the car will cost real money. Thanks to a new law (SB 7/Oropeza), anyone caught smoking in a vehicle in which there are passengers under the age of 18 can be fined up to $100. This applies even to cars that are not moving. The law is designed to protect minors from the adverse health effects of second-hand smoke.
By July 1, 2008, using a cell phone while driving a car may cost you, too. Two laws (SB 1613/Simitian and SB 33/Simitian) state that minors will not be allowed to use any wireless communication device, including pagers, texting devices, laptops, etc., whether hands-free or not. Drivers 18 or older will be permitted to use cell phones while driving, but only if using a hands-free device. Exceptions to both are emergency situations such as calls to police, hospital, fire department or while driving on private property. Offenders will be fined $20 plus fees for first offenses and $50 plus fees for subsequent offenses. The DMV will record the violations on drivers’ records, but will not assign points. The law applies to drivers only; passengers may talk on whatever device they want.
Happy New Year!
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