Bay Area Regional AVOID Winter Holiday Enforcement Arrest numbers continue to rise. Representatives from 125 law enforcement agencies have been on the streets and freeways throughout the Bay Area this month to apprehend those who choose to drive while under the influence.
During the first 16 days of the Campaign, from 12:01 AM Friday, Dec. 14 through midnight Saturday Dec 29, officers representing 125 law enforcement agencies have arrested 2,443 individuals for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. This is up dramatically from the same period in 2006. During the first twelve days of the Avoid Campaign in 2006, officers had arrested 1,920 for DUI. So far, there have been 7 deaths attributed to an impaired driver on Bay Area roadways. The campaign will continue through New Years Day.
In Sonoma, from Dec. 14 through Dec. 17, DUI arrests have gone up from 3 last year to 5 this year.
Traffic Sgt. Don Hasemeyer of the Santa Rosa Police Dept., coordinator of Avoid the 13, the county’s holiday anti-DUI campaign said that it’s time for those who will be on the road during the holidays, partying, to choose a hero. “Your hero is your designated driver,” he said, ”the person who will stay stone-cold sober all night and drive everyone else home safely.” Choosing in advance is crucial. “It will be too late once you start having a few drinks, because alcohol robs everyone of their good judgment,” he said.
DUI Arrests Up 31% in Sonoma County
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