
Hospital delays decision on bond measure

Posted on January 9, 2008 by Sonoma Valley Sun

Sonoma Valley Hospital board members, at their meeting Tuesday evening, deferred their decision to vote on a bond measure and now plan to decide this Thursday whether to place the measure on the April 6 ballot, and whether the amount should $45 million, $140 million, or some other figure.
The $45 million general obligation bond represents a staged approach that is designed to build a foundation of financial stability and community good faith while moving forward with immediate infrastructure renovation and purchase of the Carinalli land before attempting to secure the full amount needed for the hospital construction. Chief Executive Officer Carl Gerlach, said that it is critical to keep track of the “here and now,” and get the business plan working and achieve some stability before asking the community for the total amount. He said, “We have an absolute need to execute the turnaround to get to the bidding process. I’m here to tell you what I’m proposing is absolutely necessary.”
The larger amount, while it would still require funding from a variety of other sources, would eliminate the need to return to voters for another bond in the future. Board member Bill Boerum quoted a recent survey of 300 residents showing that a majority would support the larger bond. He said it, too, would be a staged process, describing it as a capital plan over five years. “Confidence,” he said, “will come from the approval of the bond. We’ve gotta have the larger size now and that will help with recruitment of doctors and make it attractive for philanthropy. Let’s resolve this issue and get on with focusing on health care. Keep your eye on the prize.”
While some board members seemed ready to vote on Tuesday, there was no objection raised to the proposal by board president Dick Kirk that the meeting be continued until Thursday, to allow the members “to sleep on it.” Board member Mike Nugent suggested that the actual cost to any property owner, when looked at on a daily basis, would be a matter of “quarters.”

The board is expected to make a final decision Thursday. Timing is crucial. In order to make the earliest election option, April 8, the board will have to give notice to the Sonoma County Registrar of Voters on Friday.

Sonoma Sun | Sonoma, CA