The unknown thieves raiding automobiles and garages for valuable goods struck at least three times early Thursday morning, breaking into four cars and a garage, continuing a crime wave that has taken over Sonoma in recent months.
The first attempted burglary was reported on Fourth Street East at around 7:15 a.m., when residents woke to find their garage door, a car trunk, and a side gate all opened. While only a pair of gloves was reported missing, the thieves apparently tried to take the satellite radio system from the car, before leaving it in the open trunk. Nothing in the garage seemed to be amiss, but due to the weather, the trunk of the car was soaking wet.
Twenty minutes later, residents of York Court reported two cars broken into, with stereo systems and some climbing gear taken out of unlocked cars.
And at 3 p.m., a report was filed that a car had been broken into on the 900 block of Second Street East. The initial report says that expensive jewelry, estimated at $40,000, was taken from the vehicle. Police are still collecting details from this incident.
This brings the string of auto-related break-ins to at least a dozen. Police are cautioning residents to remove valuables from their cars, to lock their cars to maximize protection, and especially to be alert to any strange noises throughout the night.
Grand theft auto
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