The Sonoma city council will ponder some substantial issues at its regular meeting on Wednesday. Included among items of routine business is adoption of the ordinance approved at its last meeting to reduce (from 88 to 65) the number of housing permits granted each year.
This week, the Sonoma Valley Health Care District will make a presentation regarding Measure F, the $45 million bond measure election, ballots for which will be mailed in early March and are due April 8. The city council rejected last month a suggestion that it form a committee to hear neighbors’ concerns about the hospital’s plans. When the $130 million Measure C was floated by the hospital two years ago, the city council took a position in support, by a vote of 4-1; council members Steve Barbose and August Sebastiani have been newly seated since that time.
The council will also consider amending its Xeriscape Ordinance to remove the exemption presently in place for new single-family developments that allows them to install traditional landscaping. The present exemption for the re-landscaping of existing single-family residences is not due for consideration.
And perhaps of most interest is the scheduled discussion of expanding the city’s boundaries, at least to encompass much of the Springs area, presently unincorporated. Mayor Joanne Sanders has promoted her concept of “Sonoma 95476” as a cohesive community extending beyond the city limits, and the council is expected to provide direction to city staff for investigation into how such a proposal might be brought forward and what the ramifications might be for the city.
The meeting starts at 6 p.m. and will be held in the newly refurbished Community Meeting Room at 177 First Street West. This and all city council meetings will be carried live on SVTV Comcast Channel 27, starting at 6 p.m.
Health, growth, and water
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