If you’ve ever wondered what goes into making the thin blue line, the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Department would like to show you.
The free, 16-week course gives participants a history and overview of the county’s criminal justice system, and an in-depth examination of the department’s mission and operations.
Curriculum includes the functions of various divisions including patrol, investigations and detention. Participants will also become familiar with specialty assignments such as SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics), SERT (Specialized Emergency Response Team), the helicopter unit, and search and rescue. The class even visits the firing range and has the option to participate in a firearms exercise.
Participants also get an inside understanding of police psychology, including the philosophy of “verbal judo” and physical training in defensive tactics. Academy students will also have a chance to see staff in action as part of a “ride-along” component of the training.
Classes are normally scheduled for three hours on Wednesday evenings, with the exception of one Saturday afternoon. Class is from 6–9 p.m.. The Academy begins July 30 with the graduation ceremony scheduled for Nov. 12.
For more information, call the Training Unit at 707.565.8882 or visit http://www.sonomasheriff.org/aboutus_citizens_academy.php.
Behind the badge
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