Sonoma County has received approval of applications for more than $17.5 million as a result of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, more commonly known as the Stimulus Bill. These grants will not only fund new work but will create more than 1,500 new jobs within the county. Several other grants are pending at this time.
Sonoma County Supervisor Valerie Brown said she is thrilled Sonoma County will receive close to $18 million in stimulus money.
About Sonoma Valley specifically Supervisor Brown said, “Believe me we have applied for additional grants including letters I have written supporting the Sonoma Valley Community Health Center, and the Sonoma Valley Fire and Rescue Authority.”
According to Brown, some of that money has already helped the Valley. Thirty-two at-risk youth aged 14 to 24 in the Valley, and a total of 330 county-wide, have been empowered, and have had summer jobs thanks to the Workforce Investment Grant. Social Advocates for Youth partnered with the Sonoma County Water Agency, and Valley teenagers and young adults have cleaned up Nathanson Creek, Fryer Creek, and the Sonoma Valley Treatment Plant. Additionally, the Sonoma Garden Park has benefited, Pets Lifeline received two individual placements of youth helpers, and there were four individual help placements at the Boys & Girls Club of Sonoma Valley.
“Sonoma Valley will also be the beneficiary of road maintenance, and I’m sure everyone will agree with me that our county roads need it! We’re also expecting money for the Glen Ellen/Arnold Drive bike path,” said Brown. “Of course projects at the Sonoma County Airport will benefit the first district, as will the many energy efficiency projects throughout the county including one at Juvenile Hall.”
Supervisor Brown concluded by saying she is thankful for the stimulus money that creates jobs and improves the County’s infrastructure and “quite frankly helps lessen the impact of the draconian state budget cuts.”
The following is a summary of the grants, dollar amounts and jobs created:
Project Amount* Jobs*
Road & Bridge Chip Sealing $6,300,000 200
Energy Efficiency and Conservation $1,900,000 790
Workforce Investment Act $3,700,000 335
Community Development $1,350,000 83
Transit Buses (purchase and maintenance) $2,500,000 n/a
Airport Terminal Renovation $1,685,000 110
Criminal Justice Services $ 279,000 n/a
Total $17,714,000 1518
(*figures are approximate)