Impact100 Sonoma, a new women’s philanthropic group, will host a reception at the Sonoma Golf Club on Tuesday, Aug. 25, from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. The reception is open to any woman interested in making an impact in the community.
The concept behind Impact100 Sonoma centers on enlisting a group of at least one hundred women who will each contribute a gift of $1,000. These tax-deductible contributions will be pooled to become a single but very large donation to a nonprofit cause that members collectively choose.
“Impact100 Sonoma will make a high-impact grant to a local organization that would otherwise not have access to funding on this scale,” explained Christine Dohrmann and Annette Lomont, co-founders of the organization.
Next June, a grant of at least $100,000 pooled from members’ funds will be awarded to a charitable organization in the Sonoma Valley. Focus areas for the grant will include arts and culture, environment, education, health and wellness, and family. The grant recipient will be selected by a vote of every member, after a detailed process of reviewing the grant proposals that are received.
In addition to the co-founders, other members of the Impact100 Sonoma board are Beth Aaron, Mollie Collins, Geralyne Mahoney, Valerie Pistole, Kirsten Stewart, and Pam Teixeira.
Impact 100 Sonoma is modeled after a national, grass-roots program that allows for members to be as involved as they like, from simply writing a check to reviewing proposals and making site visits. In all, there are nine active Impact 100 chapters nationwide, with four more in the organization stage.
Additional information is available by visiting impact100sonoma.org or by calling 707.524.6597.