Psst, there’s a great new tool at the public library and Stephan Buffy, the city librarian is eager to show it to you.
What’s got Buffy so excited? It’s the new Testing and Education Reference Center and he’s eager to help patrons get acquainted.
“This is a new service we’re offering to library patrons free of charge. It’s provided to us by a company called Gale – the kingpin of public library reference materials,” said Buffy. “It means that these reference materials are always available to patrons without having to wait for or check out a book.”
This incredible new tool is an online resource with its own dedicated terminal just behind the library’s information desk. Using it, patrons can prepare for any of a plethora of tests including, but not limited to the CAHSEE, SAT, GED, GRE and much, a more. In fact, there are study sessions and practice tests for careers in nursing, the military and civil service. You can study to be a teacher, a pilot or a U.S. citizen.
The Testing and Education Reference Center also includes college and scholarship search capabilities as well as resume builders.
Users can access the online tool either at the library or at home, using their Sonoma County library card. The Testing and Education Reference Center is available at all 11 library locations in the county.
“The really cool thing is that almost all of the information is downloadable – either entire practice tests or just portions. And, users can come back to their documents weeks later. It’s really something,” said Buffy.
For more information visit the local library or visit
Library’s new online jewel
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