Police have changed the status of Bryan Scobey, who disappeared from Sonoma in his company truck Jan. 13. from missing person to wanted man.
The 35-year-old exterminator absconded with a Hitmen Termite vehicle and company gas card, and arrived in Yreka that same day. He ran out of money, reported Sheriff Sgt. Tim Duke, and began selling tools and other items from the company truck.
Scobey, a husband and father of three from Windsor, was reported to be traveling alone, and was in good heath, But his erratic behavior continued. From Yreka he allegedly cajoled a stranger into driving them, in the Hitmen vehicle, to Reno. In exchange for driving, Scobey told the unwitting accomplice to keep the truck,
Scobey remains missing, but now as a fugitive. Detectives are actively seeking his whereabouts for embezzlement of the vehicle and the items he took and sold without the permission.
The company vehicle has been located and will be returned to Hitmen Terminators.
Several tools and other items Scobey sold or bartered have also been recovered.
Scobey went missing about 8:30 a.m. on Jan 13. after his first appointment of the day, near Burndale Road and Fremont Drive. A company GPS system tracked the vehicle to that location, but an exhaustive police and helicopter search of the area came up empty.
The GPS and Scobey’s company cell phone had been disabled about 8:45 that morning. Preliminarily, Duke reported, it was unknown if Scobey himself disabled the devices.
The company gas card assigned to Scobey was used at 10:16 that morning at a gas station on Santa Rosa Avenue in Santa Rosa.
It was apparent that the GPS and cell phone, both belonging to the company had been disabled. Preliminarily, it was unknown if Mr. Scobey disabled the devices or another source.
The search continues.