Congressman Mike Thompson, center, accepts the National Hospice & Palliative Care Organization’s (NHPCO) Public Policy Leadership Award from Jonathan Keyserling, NHPCO Senior Vice President, and Sandra Lew, Hospice By The Bay CEO. The award salutes Thompson’s efforts to advance policy ensuring that every person receives the care they need and deserve at the end of life.
“It is a high, high honor,” said Thompson “Anyone who has had a personal experience with hospice knows the importance of these providers and just how hard they work. Day-in and day-out, they serve patients, comfort families, and ease loss. I will always stand by their side.” He received the award July 22 in Sonoma.
“Hospice By The Bay is honored to be part of this award ceremony for Rep. Thompson, who has been a constant and vocal legislative advocate for hospice care at the national level,” Lew said. Founded in 1975, the non-profit HBTB is the second oldest hospice in the United States and the first in California.
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