Volunteers have a unique opportunity to work with veteran fish biologists in monitoring Sonoma Creek, and to help develop a model for a regional fish monitoring program.
The Sonoma Ecology Center, Center for Ecosystem Management and Restoration (CEMAR), and the Southern Sonoma Resource Conservation District (SSCRCD), are studying fish species and fish populations in Sonoma Creek. Volunteers are needed to collect field data and assist scientists in monitoring fish traps along Sonoma Creek and its tributaries.
This is a great opportunity for community members to gain fieldwork experience, working alongside experts in the environmental sciences. Experienced fish handlers are desired but not required for this project.
Volunteers will sign liability waivers, may work in wet conditions with variable temperatures, and will walk on uneven terrain. Some volunteers who are able will be asked to occasionally carry heavy loads. Interested volunteers must also commit to participate in the study a minimum of one day per week, for a minimum of 3 weeks during the project duration. Outdoor gear (rainwear, boots, and chest waders) also is recommended but not required.
Potential volunteers are encouraged to contact Cassandra Liu at 707.996.0712 x104, or cassandra@sonomaecologycenter.org for more information.