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Buildings, water and beer

The six-acre Sonoma Springs development along Highway 12 in Aqua Caliente, a mix of affordable housing and commercial space, has cleared the Board of Supervisors. Next up: state and federal approval specific to the low-income family units (60; $22 million) and senior units (40; $13 million). The project developer, MidPen, is well versed in this type of bureaucracy, so construction, on the family unit element at least, is likely to begin next spring… The commercial space — a separate, Vailetti Family Trust project – will front the highway south of Vailetti Drive and the Sonoma Charter School, with the housing, community garden and greenery to the rear. No look yet at what that might look like, though anything replacing the ersatz used car lot now on display there will be a likely improvement. Then again… So say it all meets code, and delivers on promises of 100 homes and much-needed sales tax dollars. But what about water? How many more years of drought before guaranteed water enters the debate over significant land development? You may not need a Big Box Store Ordinance when there’s not enough water for even the small boxes.

Thirsty work at Sonoma Springs Brewing Company, whose Riverside Drive remodel has been long delayed. The space is still real rough, but all the paperwork is in place and the tanks are in.

The beer is certainly flowing, meanwhile, at Hopmonk Tavern, where World Cup matches are drawing big afternoon crowds. The USA win over Ghana was a cracker, though one fan has had it with players feigning injury to draw penalties: “This match has had more flops than Eddie Murphy.”

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